Statistics for Haptics Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Jan 2006 4885 38 9 903 WebStatistics
307 StanfordHaptics
138 LunchBox
122 PhotonicRobots
 95 WebSearch
 90 ProposedExperimentProtocalAndDetails
 87 WebPreferences
 86 WikiSyntax
 83 TactorNet
 82 ChapterOutlineAndNotes
 79 SkinStretchAndFriction
 28 YongLaePark
 15 MarkCutkosky
  4 WillP?
Dec 2005 5654 0 0 1037 WebStatistics
363 StanfordHaptics
165 LunchBox
159 HapticDisplay
151 ContactLocationDisplay
121 WebPreferences
115 SkinStretchAndFriction
108 WebHome
105 TactorNet
103 RotFricMotorDetails
 97 WikiSyntax
Nov 2005 4653 47 3 285 WebStatistics
276 StanfordHaptics
122 LunchBox
110 HapticDisplay
104 WebHome
100 ContactLocationDisplay
 79 PHANToMs
 78 SkinStretchAndFriction
 73 RandomNotes1
 72 TactorNet
 66 ProposedExperimentProtocalAndDetails
 45 MarkCutkosky
  3 WillP?
  2 KarlinBark
Oct 2005 4754 67 10 713 WebStatistics
320 StanfordHaptics
132 LunchBox
128 SkinStretchAndFriction
117 ContactLocationDisplay
114 WebHome
105 WebPreferences
102 HapticDisplay
 92 TactorNet
 83 RotFricMotorDetails
 83 PHANToMs
 59 KarlinBark
 18 MarkCutkosky
Sep 2005 4783 203 29 180 StanfordHaptics
107 ThermalSensing
105 IntegratedSensorySystems
 99 WebHome
 97 WebStatistics
 75 MultiModalTactileSensing
 67 SlippageDetection
 61 ContactLocationDisplay
 56 LunchBox
 55 HapticDisplay
 52 ThermalSensorTechnology
161 KarlinBark
 45 YongLaePark
 26 MarkCutkosky
Aug 2005 5318 151 25 408 WebStatistics
263 StanfordHaptics
161 WebHome
128 TactorNet
104 LunchBox
 96 HapticDisplay
 78 VibrationOrForce
 73 RotFricMotorDetails
 69 ContactLocationDisplay
 68 FunctionalPrototypeI
 66 WebPreferences
169 KarlinBark
  4 AMcClung?
  2 WillP?
  1 MarkCutkosky
Jul 2005 2687 58 14 394 WebStatistics
185 WebHome
159 StanfordHaptics
124 LunchBox
 78 ProposedExperimentProtocalAndDetails
 76 WebPreferences
 74 KarlinBlog
 66 WebSearch
 64 SkinStretchAndFriction
 64 RotFricMotorDetails
 59 HapticDisplay
 72 KarlinBark
Jun 2005 1486 0 0 133 WebStatistics
 97 StanfordHaptics
 95 WebHome
 46 PHANToMs
 45 LunchBox
 44 ProposedExperimentProtocalAndDetails
 39 RotFricMotorDetails
 38 SkinStretchAndFriction
 37 WebSearch
 34 WebNotify
 34 WebChanges
May 2005 1764 0 0 173 WebStatistics
102 StanfordHaptics
 92 LunchBox
 73 WebHome
 63 SkinStretchAndFriction
 56 ProposedExperimentProtocalAndDetails
 54 PHANToMs
 53 WebSearch
 50 RotFricMotorDetails
 47 HapticDisplay
 46 KarlinBlog
Apr 2005 1850 12 6 171 WebStatistics
 90 StanfordHaptics
 87 WebHome
 73 LunchBox
 61 ProposedExperimentProtocalAndDetails
 60 VibrationOrForce
 55 PHANToMs
 54 SkinStretchAndFriction
 51 HapticDisplay
 43 KarlinBlog
 40 RotFricMotorDetails
 14 KarlinBark
  4 MarkCutkosky
Mar 2005 1731 3 1 178 WebStatistics
101 LunchBox
 82 WebHome
 76 StanfordHaptics
 59 ProposedExperimentProtocalAndDetails
 55 SkinStretchAndFriction
 51 KarlinBlog
 50 WebPreferences
 48 RotFricMotorDetails
 47 WebSearch
 43 ContactLocationDisplay
  4 WillP?
Feb 2005 1151 0 0 115 WebStatistics
 79 WebHome
 56 StanfordHaptics
 40 ProposedExperimentProtocalAndDetails
 40 KarlinBlog
 39 SkinStretchAndFriction
 34 RotationalFrictionDisplay
 33 PHANToMs
 32 LunchBox
 30 RotFricMotorDetails
 28 WebSearch
Jan 2005 1504 15 3  87 WebHome
 80 WebStatistics
 63 LunchBox
 53 StanfordHaptics
 46 SkinStretchAndFriction
 45 WebSearch
 45 ContactLocationDisplay
 44 RotFricMotorDetails
 39 RotationalFrictionDisplay
 39 ProposedExperimentProtocalAndDetails
 37 WebChanges
 18 WillP?
Dec 2004 1797 41 13 136 WebHome
111 WebStatistics
 99 StanfordHaptics
 84 ProposedExperimentProtocalAndDetails
 79 SkinStretchAndFriction
 60 LunchBox
 52 KarlinBlog
 49 WebSearch
 47 PHANToMs
 46 ContactLocationDisplay
 44 WebPreferences
 21 WillP?
 17 SureshSainath?
 16 KarlinBark
Nov 2004 889 89 26  74 WebHome
 62 LunchBox
 52 StanfordHaptics
 44 SkinStretchAndFriction
 38 PHANToMs
 37 KarlinBlog
 28 ImmersionProject
 26 HapticDisplay
 23 WebIndex
 23 WebChanges
 22 WirelessInteraction?
 67 KarlinBark
 43 SureshSainath?
  5 WillP?
Oct 2004 1670 47 8 134 WebHome
 90 StanfordHaptics
 66 KarlinBlog
 61 WebSearch
 56 WebPreferences
 54 HapticDisplay
 53 LunchBox
 51 WebNotify
 47 WebChanges
 45 SkinStretchAndFriction
 37 WebIndex
 38 WillP?
 17 KarlinBark
Sep 2004 509 7 0  57 StanfordHaptics
 56 KarlinBlog
 44 WebHome
 23 PrototypeI
 20 HapticDisplay
 17 TouchProtocols
 17 SkinStretchTestGoals
 17 InitialJNDTesting
 16 TestingObservations1
 16 StretchQuestions
 16 MoreTestingResults
  4 KarlinBark
  3 MarkCutkosky
Aug 2004 16756 588 156 1863 WebStatistics
881 ClimbingRobot?
352 WebChanges
345 TWikiUsers?
321 WebHome
197 FootDesign?
187 StanfordFootDesignTests?
167 LegDesign?
135 DanaUng?
134 CbotStaticModeling?
133 StanfordTestTrack?
225 AMcClung?
155 VirgilioMattoli?
 96 JiLee?
 61 MarkCutkosky
 56 KarlinBark
 36 MicheleLanzetta?
 27 SangbaeKim?
 23 JonathanKarpick
 22 DanielSantos?
 12 MotohideHatanaka?
 10 DanaUng?
Jul 2004 13457 714 179 1480 WebStatistics
1408 ClimbingRobot?
439 WebChanges
268 WebHome
226 ToyBot04?
219 StanfordFootDesignTests?
203 IndependentSprawl?
170 DanaAndJiExperiments?
169 ManufacturingHome
161 StanfordTestTrack?
129 NewFootDesignsJune04?
239 MicheleLanzetta?
144 JiLee?
113 AMcClung?
 95 YongLaePark
 56 MarkCutkosky
 49 DanaUng?
 46 VirgilioMattoli?
 43 JonathanKarpick
 35 MiguelPiedrahita?
 33 AlanAsbeck
 22 WillP?
Jun 2004 11674 212 32 430 ClimbingRobot?
282 WebHome
222 WebStatistics
188 ProjectMgt?
179 WebChanges
172 IndependentSprawl?
147 TWikiUsers?
113 FootDesign?
105 LegPlatformDevelopment?
100 LegDesign?
 98 ManufacturingHome
 58 MiguelPiedrahita?
 38 MicheleLanzetta?
 38 MarkCutkosky
 30 AMcClung?
 28 JonathanKarpick
 23 AlanAsbeck
 12 JiLee?
  6 DanaUng?
  5 KevinHufford?
  2 MotohideHatanaka?
  2 LarryLeifer?
May 2004 7969 119 28 227 ClimbingRobot?
144 WebChanges
132 CompliantSpinedFoot?
121 TWikiUsers?
112 IndependentSprawl?
 92 ConvexShear?
 85 TrajectoryAnalysis?
 72 WebStatistics
 65 FootDesign?
 61 ClimbingRobotSiteMap?
 60 CompliantStickyFoot?
 66 MarkCutkosky
 50 SangbaeKim?
  7 WillP?
  7 KevinHufford?
  5 JonathanKarpick
  3 MiguelPiedrahita?
  3 AMcClung?
  2 VirgilioMattoli?
  2 JiLee?
  2 DanaUng?
Apr 2004 12823 134 28 644 WebStatistics
581 ClimbingRobot?
252 TWikiUsers?
235 TrajectoryAnalysis?
209 IndependentSprawl?
149 ProjectMgt?
142 WebChanges
139 FootAndLegTrajectoryTestingProcedure?
128 LegDesign?
125 BioClimbing?
124 LegPlatformDevelopment?
 39 AMcClung?
 38 MiguelPiedrahita?
 33 SangbaeKim?
 22 MarkCutkosky
 18 DanielSantos?
  9 AlanAsbeck
  3 YongLaePark
Mar 2004 10004 154 32 436 ClimbingRobot?
369 WebStatistics
368 TWikiUsers?
206 ProjectMgt?
202 WebHome
162 LegDesign?
141 PartridgeThrust?
139 LegPlatformDevelopment?
135 WebChanges
134 CbotStaticModeling?
127 RobotSimulation?
 92 MiguelPiedrahita?
 35 SangbaeKim?
 30 MarkCutkosky
 16 AMcClung?
  6 WillP?
  5 EmilyMa?
  2 TestUser2?
Feb 2004 9774 123 38 386 TWikiUsers?
348 WebStatistics
334 ClimbingRobot?
237 LegDesign?
213 ProjectMgt?
207 WebHome
168 LegPlatformDevelopment?
137 PartridgeThrust?
127 IndependentSprawl?
126 CbotStaticModeling?
123 RobotSimulation?
 68 MiguelPiedrahita?
 55 MarkCutkosky
 28 SangbaeKim?
  6 AMcClung?
  2 VijayalakshmiParandaman?
  2 AaroSaunders?
Jan 2004 3655 30 6 145 ClimbingRobot?
 78 ProjectMgt?
 67 IndependentSprawl?
 56 LegPlatformDevelopment?
 54 AMcClung?
 53 WebRss
 47 LegDesign?
 45 WebHome
 44 CbotStaticModeling?
 42 BioClimbing?
 41 RobotSimulation?
 28 MarkCutkosky
  4 AMcClung?
  3 SangbaeKim?
  1 MiguelPiedrahita?
Dec 2003 2893 4 1 168 WebRss
150 ClimbingRobot?
104 ProjectMgt?
 49 IndependentSprawl?
 42 ContactModeling?
 38 WebChanges
 28 RobotSimulation?
 26 WebHome
 26 TWikiUsers?
 26 RobotPlatform?
 25 LegPlatformDevelopment?
  2 JonathanClark?
  2 BillGeisler?
  1 MarkCutkosky
Nov 2003 2652 59 14 154 ClimbingRobot?
 78 IndependentSprawl?
 71 HummingbirdFoot?
 67 WebRss
 44 WebStatistics
 44 CbotStaticModeling?
 43 PlatformConcepts?
 41 WorkingGroups?
 41 ProjectMgt?
 40 WebChanges
 39 SenseCompComm?
 19 MarkCutkosky
 18 SangbaeKim?
 14 MotohideHatanaka?
 10 WillP?
  6 UlucSaranli?
  4 MiguelPiedrahita?
  2 TiffanyCard?
Oct 2003 3626 32 11 190 ClimbingRobot?
112 WebChanges
105 ProjectMgt?
 80 TWikiUsers?
 59 RobotSimulation?
 57 WebStatistics
 52 WorkingGroups?
 52 IndependentSprawl?
 51 CentralElectronics?
 50 ContactModeling?
 47 FootDesign?
 11 MarkCutkosky
 11 JonathanClark?
  8 MiguelPiedrahita?
  3 UlucSaranli?
  3 DanGoldman?
  3 ClarkHaynes?
  3 AlRizzi?
  1 AMcClung?
Sep 2003 6535 196 30 386 ClimbingRobot?
222 WebChanges
195 TWikiUsers?
138 ProjectMgt?
120 IndependentSprawl?
118 CentralElectronics?
116 LegPlatformDevelopment?
114 WirelessLinkOptions?
107 WebStatistics
105 RobotCpuBoards?
100 WebHome
 53 HaldunKomsuoglu?
 41 AlRizzi?
 34 AMcClung?
 27 MarkCutkosky
 15 DonCampbell?
 14 WillP?
  9 ClarkHaynes?
  7 ShaiRevzen?
  6 KevinHufford?
  6 DanielSantos?
  5 AaroSaunders?
Aug 2003 7900 496 91 495 ClimbingRobot?
282 ProjectMgt?
258 TWikiUsers?
238 LegPlatformDevelopment?
225 WebHome
159 WebChanges
158 IndependentSprawl?
147 CbotStaticModeling?
141 ClimbingConcepts?
129 RobotSimulation?
125 PartridgeThrust?
107 AdamPrickett?
 89 AMcClung?
 74 MarkCutkosky
 50 SangbaeKim?
 42 AaroSaunders?
 33 HaldunKomsuoglu?
 31 ShaiRevzen?
 31 MiguelPiedrahita?
 30 DanielSantos?
 27 UlucSaranli?
 26 KellarAutumn?
Jul 2003 2954 316 71 206 ClimbingRobot?
158 PartridgeThrust?
132 ProjectMgt?
113 FootDesignIdeas?
105 WebHome
100 TWikiUsers?
 73 MeetingNotes?
 71 WebChanges
 70 CbotStaticModeling?
 66 BioClimbing?
 61 IndependentSprawl?
 73 TiffanyCard?
 63 WillP?
 54 DanielSantos?
 52 MarkCutkosky
 38 KevinHufford?
 36 SangbaeKim?
 25 ShaiRevzen?
 23 AMcClung?
  9 MotohideHatanaka?
  4 UlucSaranli?
  4 SeanBailey?


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