
Tactile Communication and Display Systems

  • IEEE ICRA 2006: Wearable Tactile Display Based on Soft Actuator: Igmo Koo+, Kwangmok Jung+, Jachoon Koo+, Jea–do Nam?, Youngkwan Lee?, Hyouk Ryeol Choi+
    • EAP array of actuators for imparting small amounts of skin strain. Thin and suitable for wrapping on curved surfaces.
  • IEEE ICRA 2006: Reflective Grasp Force Control of Humans Induced by Distributed Vibration Stimuli on Finger Skin with ICPF Actuators (Ionic Conducting Polymer gel Film), Takashi Maeno (Keio).
  • IEEE ICRA 2006: Quantitative Tactile Display Device with Pin-Type Tactile Feedback and Thermal Feedback -- piezo pin array + thermal elements.
  • IEEE ICRA 206: A Compact Tactile Display for the Blind with Shape Memory Alloys

Tactile Display for Texture

Tactile Communication System, U. Tokyo

Kajimoto et al., U. Tokyo. -- Also a couple of other related projects from the U Tokyo STAR lab:
Smart Tool, Smart Touch - electrotactile display,.

Relevant papers from World Haptics

Conference website:

Presumably these will ultimately be searchable under IEEE Explore...

Title Authors Page
Effect of Cognitive Load on Tactor Location Identification in Zero G Hong Tan et al. 56
Vibrotactile Spatial Acuity on the Torso: Effects of Location and Timing Parameters J. van Erp 80
Vibrotactile Pattern Recognition on the Arm and Torso E. Piateski and L. Jones 90
Perceptual and Biomechanical Frequency Response of Human Skin" Implication for Design of Tactile Displays Srinivasan et al. 96
A First Investigation into the Effectiveness of Tactons L. Brown et al. 167
A New Force-Feedback Arm Exoskeleton for Haptic Interaction in Virtual Environments M. Bergamasco et al. 195
Slip Aestheasis: A Portable 2D Slip/Skin Stretch Display for the Fingertip D. Caldwell et al. 214
Selective Stimulation to Superficial Mechanoreceptors by Temporal Control of Suction Pressure Y. Makino and H. Shinoda 229
Getting in Touch with Cognitive Character T. Bierz et al. 440
Wearable Kinesthetic System for Capturing and Classifying Upper Limb Gesture D. De Rossi et al. 535 -- interesting 2 element mini tactors. Used for fingertip display in Bergamasco's (p.195) device.

haptics in education -- a project for which the computouch devices were used:

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