Presumably these will ultimately be searchable under IEEE Explore...
Title | Authors | Page |
Effect of Cognitive Load on Tactor Location Identification in Zero G | Hong Tan et al. | 56 |
Vibrotactile Spatial Acuity on the Torso: Effects of Location and Timing Parameters | J. van Erp | 80 |
Vibrotactile Pattern Recognition on the Arm and Torso | E. Piateski and L. Jones | 90 |
Perceptual and Biomechanical Frequency Response of Human Skin" Implication for Design of Tactile Displays | Srinivasan et al. | 96 |
A First Investigation into the Effectiveness of Tactons | L. Brown et al. | 167 |
A New Force-Feedback Arm Exoskeleton for Haptic Interaction in Virtual Environments | M. Bergamasco et al. | 195 |
Slip Aestheasis: A Portable 2D Slip/Skin Stretch Display for the Fingertip | D. Caldwell et al. | 214 |
Selective Stimulation to Superficial Mechanoreceptors by Temporal Control of Suction Pressure | Y. Makino and H. Shinoda | 229 |
Getting in Touch with Cognitive Character | T. Bierz et al. | 440 |
Wearable Kinesthetic System for Capturing and Classifying Upper Limb Gesture | D. De Rossi et al. | 535 | -- interesting 2 element mini tactors. Used for fingertip display in Bergamasco's (p.195) device.
haptics in education -- a project for which the computouch devices were used: