Alan and pallet of spiny toes
  • Name: Alan Asbeck
  • Email:
  • Company Name: Stanford E.E.
  • Company URL:
  • Location: Stanford
  • Country: USA

TWiki pages I have made:

How to use the new lab camera: LabCamera

What to edit when you make a new module: AddingANewModule (also see RiSEHelloWorldTutorial)

Problems with lots of graphs: QuadStateProblems

Comments about RiSE code: RiSEPlatformAlanCodeComments

RiSE Spiny/Sticky feet sent to CMU July 05: RiSESpinyFeetJuly05

New RiSE Foot designs: NewFootDesignsApr05

Chewie IP addresses: ChewieIPAddresses

Carbon Nanotube calculations: CarbonNanotubes

Simulations with surface profiles: SurfaceProfileSimulation

PIC Programming Tutorial: MicrochipTutorial

Skin Stretch testing: SkinStretchTesting?

RiSE Foot Testing: RiSEFootTesting

Spiny Foot To Do and Dependencies Summer 2008: SpinyFeetSummer08

Other Useful TWiki pages:

RiSEHelloWorldTutorial - Somewhat outdated but generally useful

RiSESimulationInstructions - Made by Jonathan about simulation setup and stuff

RiSESupervisor - What runs when you call the supervisor by Jonathan

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