How to operate the robot to do foot testing:
You'll have two terminal windows on the laptop, the "Supervisor" window and the "Operator" window.
In the Supervisor window, type:
ssh rise@surise (alias: sshr)
Password: ask someone
cd supervisorLink
./ -d
When it finishes printing out stuff go to the Operator window (be in the directory /RoboDevel/RiSE/Operator) and type:
./ 3000 surise (alias: startopr)
Then it will bring up the Operator GUI.
1) Calibrate the robot. Push "start" multiple times if it has problems.
2) Switch to FootTestMode using pulldown menu
3) Position test leg so it is at 90* to the body
4) Switch to LSANViewMode using pulldown menu
5) Hold robot vertically, push "Start" to calibrate force sensors
6) Switch back to FootTestMode
6.5) Start Logger:
A) Push Logger button on Operator GUI
B) Click on the Sessions button on the Logger window that pops up
C) Click on FootTesting which is the last entry, click on Load
D) Type in the name for the log file into the box. The convention we have been using is: foottesting_<foottype>_<treetype>_<otherinfo>
7) Push B on Joystick or click on LiftAllLegs to lift all legs
8) Hold next to tree, push C on joystick or click on SetThreeCranks to make it go.
9) Between trials it will automatically switch to IDLE mode. You need to push LiftAllWings before switching to SetThreeCranks and doing the next trial.
Updating the settings used to control the robot's motions:
1) Edit foottestalan.rc on the laptop which is in the directory /home/rise/RoboDevel/RiSE/Demo/Config/robots/risebus12/gaits
2) transfer file to robot by typing "rsync rise@surise" (alias: rsynclr) Note: you must be in the /RoboDevel/RiSE directory when you execute this.
3) Push "reset and read in .rc file" button on FootTestMode once it is finished uploading.
Transfer files to chewie:
1) must execute e.g. type "./ aasbeck" when you are in the rise home directory
2) easiest to transfer files using folders. Use the chewieLink or go to /mnt/chewie
2.5) Logfiles are in /RoboDevel/RiSE/Operator on the laptop
3) we've been putting stuff in /mnt/chewie/aasbeck/Calculations/foottesting/tests121107
AlanAsbeck - 12 Dec 2007