-- MarkCutkosky - 24 Jun 2003

To Do List for Biomimetics and RiSE

Minor action items to improve our working environment & resources... (See ProjectManagement page for main tasks June, July)

What Who By When
Take notes UCB visit: FearingBerkeleyVisit KevinHufford Done
Investigate small 3 and 6 axis force platforms. JR3, ATI - cost? Sensitivity DanielSantos, SeanBailey 2-3 weeks?
Inv. and order small, portable computer projector for CDR SangbaeKim Done
Inv. and order high-end CAD computer (Dell?)   Done
Set up, test Ebeam(s) with better computer KevinHufford Done
Order Fearing polymer + other urethane MiguelPiedrahita 2 weeks?

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