Biomimetics retreat/planning meeting for Summer03
June 24
10:00am Meet at MERL Lab.
- Kickoff and introduce any new people (MarkCutkosky)
- RiSE news and developments (all)
11:00-13:00 Finishing up the MURI Goals & Plans (MERL conf. room)
- Dynamic modeling goals, status (Jonathan, Trey)
- Turning experiments, status (Trey, Adam)
- Antenna experiments, goals, status (Trey)
- iSprawl status, goals (Sangbae, Moto, Adam)
- Create ToDoList (MarkCutkosky, with additions and committments from all)
13:00 lunch (Pizza ordered)
13:30-15:00 RiSE
- Project news, goals, developments (Mark)
- Quick overview of resources, team members (Mark)
- BioClimbing (Tiffany, Moto, Will)
- ClimbingConcepts
- Body design/development
15:00 Adjourn to the lab for wrap-up and individual working meetings.
-- MarkCutkosky - 23 Jun 2003