Climbing Wall Testing
The testing performed on the Stanford test track will help to identify proper design choices for the foot and leg, characterize the friction and adhesive forces available in various situations and explore the key characteristics of the trajectory that lead to climbing.
Prepare to transition to full platform
- Design/plan wall layout
- Get supplies for wall (plywood,felt,cork,acrylic,etc)
- Identify space for adjustable slope wall
- Either side of PRINCESSLEIA table
- May need to move RS1 and/or cabinets, couch, etc
- Set up high speed camera near wall
The friction tests are intended to identify the friction between various foot materials and surface materials.
- Lock system to position leg over force plate (DONE-board under bottom track rails)
- Characterize friction for 3 different surface types and various foot materials
- Materials specimens to test
- Urethanes: 90A & 35A lamella toe (use in both directions), thin 35A & 10A sheets (use for verification)
- Dry Adhesives: lamella w/Feering dry adhesive on it
- PSA: Tape or Post-It
- Penetrable: cork, wood, rubber mat
- NonPen Rough: tiles (back side), HardyBoard (cut @ HomeDepot)
- NonPen Smooth: glass, tiles (front side), acrylic
- DONE-Secure glass mounting/removal method (carpet tape)
- Document test procedure (Twiki or Word)
- Use step_test for partial period
- Set long period to achieve slow motion, low velocity
- Set initial position to contact wall
- Use different velocities to gage vel effect
- Use no wing angle, just crank thru part of trajectory and stop
- Analysis procedure
- Look for slip mark and determine friction at this limit (
- Need matlab code to plot data, then prompt user to select slip point, or automate the selection
The trajectory tests will work to determine the crucial stages within the trajectory and the important actions required.
- DONE - Prepare code to output new type of RC files (rise_trajectory.m)
- DONE - Need to add safety features to prevent unsafe wing angles
- Familiarize testers w/trajectory parameters (time, beta, wing)
- Familiarize testers w/procedure
- Brainstorm on test method
- Parameters? - velocity, attachment & detachment (time & force)
- Document test procedure (Twiki or Word)
- Analysis procedure (see PerformanceMetrics)
- What is a good trajectory?
- Minimize antagonistic forces
- Compare to animal tests
- Work calculation (use F_long and/or F_lat?, may want to discuss ideas w/Dan K)
- Use ideas from Moto & Emily on force directions
- Look at force magnitudes also
- Develop a single performance evaluation metric
The foot & leg testing will examine the effectiveness of several of the Stanford and BDI designs.
- Use step test in similar fashion to Emily and Moto tests
- Document any test procedure changes
- Mounting hardware for all designs (old leg? & new leg)
- Sprawlette limb
- Sprung toe
- "Lamella & spines" - test w/ and w/o lower leg
- Dactyl
- Analysis procedure (see PerformanceMetrics)
- What is a good foot?
- Look at force magnitudes
- Use ideas from Moto & Emily on force directions
- Develop a single performance evaluation metric?
- Orthogonal test setup
- Create normal force (spring?)
- Ramp up shear force (position control on big servo motor)
- Force transformation to localize force on plate
- based on forces & moments
- DONE-Create new Twiki pages for each test group
- Use optical mouse to track leg motion? (Search for mouse tracking software)
- DONE-Define dir on chewie for test data (
- Keep notes in each directory, describing the test & setup
- Take a picture of the test setup
- Make a video of a test (if needed or it implements changes)
- Use LabView version named
(accel & pressure) in folder:
C:\Program Files\ATI DAQ FT\ATIDAQ Software CD\Samples\LabVIEW\
- How to hook up the accelerometer: TestTrackAccelerometerSetup
AMcClung? - 17 Jun 2004