Square One
About Square One
Square One is a multi-disciplinary engineering company that specializes in the design and development of innovative automated workcells, robots, and precision positioning devices. As a research affiliate of the CDR, Square One is in collaboration with the BDML to design a mobile manipulation platform enhanced with tactile feedback from its effector.
Project Overview
Both the BDML and Square One have research interest in expanding capabilities in mobility and manipulation. An existing mobile platform designed at Square One will be augmented with a BDML designed tactile gripper. This combination will enable research into the usefulness of tactile information in manipulation and object acquisition tasks on a mobile platform.
At the heart of the mobile manipulator will be Square One's
tri-sphere positioning stage. The tri-sphere mechanism provides 6 DOF motion using a series of off the shelf prismatic actuators. Simplicity, reliability, and precision are hallmarks of the tri-sphere system. When used to link two tripod frames, a unique alternating tripod robot is formed. Adding a simple, tactile-sensing gripper to one of the tripod frames allows robust 6 DOF effector maneuverability and opens a new window into environmental sensing.
At the end of October, a set of 4 tactile sensors, with 3 taxels each, for use on a parallel jaw gripper by Square One. More details
Meeting Notes
BarrettHeyneman - 29 Oct 2010