6th Quasi-Annual BDML backpacking

8Aug09 MarkCutkosky Thinking about a short escape from Stanford before classes start... I don't think I got to the Sierras last summer, but for summer 2009 I see the following windows of opportunity:

For list of who has what & other logistics see Logistics below.


16 August: Leaning toward this first option in interests of time:
One good short trip would be Emigrant Wilderness, coming out of the Gianelli's Cabin trailhead near Dodge Ridge. This is a considerably shorter drive than the Crown Lake trip below. Terrain is nice glaciated granite with lots of small lakes.

A second option would be go to go somewhere out of Toulumne Meadows in northern Yosemite (slightly longer drive 5 hours, more peaks to look at or possibly climb as a day trip). This would also be higher (and therefore colder if we have a cold spell -- remember what happened in 2004 smile :

A third option, especially in Sept. if Toulumne Meadows looks too chilly or crowded is the Trinity Alps

Youngs Lake and Ragged Peak




  • Mark: Have car, could drive
  • Santhi: Have car, could drive


  • Couscous -- hard to beat for combination of fast cooking, light weight, high food value
  • gorp (necessary!)
  • need large water bottles (have filter, so don't need to care a lot)
  • cheese
  • Wasa bread

Things to Bring

  • Mark has:
    • two stoves (one very compact, one not so much)
    • four person tent (A bit heavy)
    • two person tent (small)
    • water filter
    • 4-5 sleeping pads
    • cookware -- enough for the whole group probably
    • compass, knife, rope, tarp, sunscreen...
  • Santhi has:
    • one sleeping bag (and an air mattress, but probably not useful)


  • Yosemite requires permits - probably get one in the park, but there are some trailheads which are already booked (although 40% of quota is available day-prior and day-of trip): http://www.nps.gov/yose/planyourvisit/wildpermits.htm
  • Emigrant Wilderness requires a permit - can get on the way in at Pinecrest (?) or Sonora ranger station. Bears apparently less of a problem than in Yosemite so tying food up with rope probably OK.

Older stuff

5th annual (with more interruptions) BDML end-of-summer escape

After the debaucle of the 2004 Yosemite trip (heavy wet snow, headed home a day early..) there was a hiaitus of a couple of years. Happy to say the 2007 trip to Crown Lake went much better.

Beautiful sights and just brief rainstorm.

Although there was hardly any snow in Sept. of a year with a dry winter there was plenty of water (compare with the Crown Lake link above, taken in June). And no mosquitos!

4th annual (with a couple of interruptions) CDR Robotics end-of-summer escape

When to go:

  • Tentatively settling on the weekend of 18th. Sean Bailey has just reminded Mark that his camp stove & etc. are still in Sean's office smile
  • Book of hikes & camping options in central Sierras has been left in the lab for people to browse.

  • MarkCutkosky - weekends of either Sept. 11 or 18 (like, leave on a Friday & return Monday?) -- am flexible.
  • JonathanKarpick - OK.
  • Rohit Girotra - Both weekends look OK.
  • MiguelPiedrahita? - The weekend of the 18th will work for me, not the 11th
  • AlanAsbeck - 18th is good. My sister suggests "North Dome" in Yosemite starting from Porcupine Flat, since it gives you good views of the valley and is pretty flat.
  • SangbaeKim?
  • DanielSantos?

  • AMcClung? - Nope
  • KarlinBark - Not OK. Will be out of town
  • WillP? - Not OK. Will be out of town on the 11th and be too close to when Pam's due the following weekend(18th).
  • YongLaePark - Not OK. Will be out of town
  • MotohideHatanaka? - I am no longer available for either of the weekends. Expecting visitors.

Where to go:

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