Biomimetics and Dextrous Manipulation Lab


categories: Logo

BDML Identity Guide

The BDML Identity Guuide provides design and brand tools for communication from the Stanford Biomimetics and Dexterous Manipulation Lab. Outside of this guide, default to the Stanford University Identity Guide for further style inspiration.

BDML Typography

BDML Primary Typefaces: Futura Medium, Futura Bold

Stanford Primary Typefaces: Source Sans 3, Source Serif 4

Stanford Accent Typefaces: Roboto, Roboto Condensed, Roboto Mono Spaced, Roboto Slab

BDML Logo Style Guide

It may be relevant to use the BDML logo in a variety of different contexts. The style guide below defines when each version of the BDML logo should be used to maintain brand identity and clear communication.

Downloadable logos:

BDML Logos are available for download in png and svg file formats. To download, right-click the desired image and select "Save Image as" from the pop-up menu.

Banner Logo:

png download:svg download:

Long Banner Logo:

png download:svg download:

2 Color Thumbnail Logo (Cardinal Red, Grey):

png download:svg download:

2 Color Thumbnail Logo (Cardinal Red, White):

png download:svg download:

1 Color Thumbnail Logo (White):

png download:svg download:

1 Color Thumbnail Logo (Black):

png download:svg download:
Page last modified on July 01, 2024, at 04:50 PM