Rise Leg Test Software

The GaitBulder tools are part of the RoboDevel platform. These tools are used to design trajectories and gaits for the RiSE robots. The tools were first designed in Mathematica, then migrated to Matlab. For an alternate description of the Gait Builder suite, see the attached file at the bottom, which contains early email correspondence.


The Gait Builder allow you to construct a trajectory by nodes (individual time steps) and/or sections (groups of time steps). The time steps can be given as absolute (be here at this time) or relative (move thru this range at this time). After creating a gait structure, a formatted RC can be created for use in actual leg testing.
  • The Matlab GaitBuilder files can be found on chewie at:
    • \\chewie\users\Climbing\TestTrackData\TestTrackSoftware\RiSESoftware\Matlab

Filename Input Output Notes
climbing.m N/A
14 leg parameters
defined in file
Trajectory plot,
Gait struct, nodes,
14 leg params
Uses other files to create a
4 stroke full climbing gait
running.m N/A Gait, nodes
Uses other files to create a
sample 2 stroke running gait
GBanimate.m Gait struct Animated
trajectory plot
Creates an animated 2D trajectory
plot, ignoring the wing angle
GBanimate3.m Gait struct Animated
trajectory plot
Same as GBanimate.m, with
the wing angle included
GBbeta2crank.m Beta vector Crank vector Convert beta to crank angle,
similar to RHexLib
GBconcat.m Gait section structs Gait section struct Combines gait sections into one
gait section struct
GBcompile.m Gait section structs,
Gait name
Gait struct Creates a full gait struct with
absolute positions from gait section
struct and gives it a name
GBexport.m RC filename, Gait
name, Gait structs
RC file
Creates a formatted RC file
for test use
GBfootposition.m Crank and
wing angles
Calculates the world-coordinate
position of the foot for given
crank and wing angles
GBname.m Gait struct Gait struct Attaches a name to a gait struct
GBplot.m Gait struct Trajectory plot Plots a 2D trajectory based,
ignoring wing angle
GBplot3.m Gait struct Trajectory plot Plots a 3D trajectory based,
including wing angle
GBsection.m Position data
(crank and wing angles),
Position type
Gait section struct Creates a gait struct containing
relative or absolute positions
GBwritegait.m Gait struct, RC filename new RC file
Appends a gait struct to a RC file
gen_custom_gait.m Output filename,
Gait parametes
RC file
Creates a named RC file of a walking
gait, given a data structure with
the correct parameters
gen_custom_gait_4stroke.m Output filename,
Gait parametes
RC file
Creates a named RC file of a 4 stroke
winged-climbing gait, given a data
structure with the correct parameters
copy2testtrack.sh N/A N/A Copies a predetermined file
to a predetermined location
on the stack, for use with a specific
test (Custom Gait -> RiSE Climb)
on the host GUI)
14 leg parameters
defined in file
Trajectory plot,
Gait struct, nodes,
14 leg params
Same as climbing.m, but uses a different
name for use with Stanford GUI - Test
Track button, also uses GBexport2.m
and GBwritegait2.m
RC filename, Gait
name, Gait structs
RC file
Same as GBexport.m, but uses settings
for Stanford Test track, namely one leg
Gait struct, RC filename new RC file
Same as GBwritegait.m, but adds a
semicolon(;) after structArray


Mathematica can be used to create a trajectory, defined by the 14 leg parameters (see RiseLegClimbingParameters or PDF file below). This notebook can also create a RC file for use in testing.
Note: To evaluate a line in Mathematica, press Shift+Enter.
  • The Mathematica GaitBuilder files can be found on chewie at:
    • \\chewie\users\Climbing\TestTrackData\TestTrackSoftware\RiSESoftware\Mathematica

Filename Notes
ClimbingGait.nb Mathematica noteboook used to design gaits and trajectories
ClimbingGait.pdf PDF version of notebok, for those without Mathematica
copy2testtrack.sh Copies a predetermined file (rise_beta_blimb.rc) to a predetermined
location (RoboDevel/RiSE/Demo/Config/default/) on the stack, for
use with a specific test (Custom Gait -> RiSE Climb) on the host GUI)

Older Matlab code

For direct RC file manipulation, without trajectory feedback, there is a simple GUI to enter nodes of time, beta and wing data for use in leg testing.
  • The older matlab program can be found on chewie at:
    • \\Chewie\users\Climbing\TestTrackData\TestTrackSoftware

Filename Notes
rise_trajectory.m Enter and edit nodes for trajectories to be written in formatted RC files
* Enter a time, beta value and wing angle for each node
* Click on Use button to include/ignore a node in the GUI
* Click on Save button to write the RC file

Copying RC file to Test Setup

  • On a Linux machine, use a SSH connection to copy the desired file to the proper place on the RiSE stack.
    • Use scp {filename} {login}@{fullcomputername}:{location}
      • (ie. scp filename rise@bailorgana.stanford.edu:RoboDevel/RiSE/Demo/Config/default/)
    • Enter the password for the rise account when prompted

-- AMcClung? - 11 Jul 2004

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