The attached movie shows Sal's state-based voltage control scheme for climbing a tree
in comparison to the "regular"
RiSE control.
Sal has some slides that explain the scheme and interesting issues associated with
it for a setup with a differential that connects 2 motors to 2 DOF and we could
talk about them at next
RiSE meeting if people would be interested. -mrc
- The entire video is real-time.
- For the first segment, the robot is pushed nearly to its maximum. The motors are commanded up to 15 volts during this climb.
- For the side-by-side comparison, please ignore the relative speeds since both gaits are being driven below their maximum capabilities.
- In the final segment, the tree is actually vertical (it is a trick of the camera that it seems to be leaning to the left.) The downward gravity vector is detected using the IMU accelerometers.
- This presentation currently lacks explanatory text. I will add text for a more stand-alone presentation in the coming week.
- The "Gait State Machine" slide is animated and must be viewed in slide show mode.
SalomonTrujillo - 13 Jul 2007