Simulation notes and pages

Discussion about various simulation pages, requirements, strengths and weaknesses

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Some packages:

  • Robot Builder by Dave Orin at OSU.
    Used by Waldron's lab at SU for the galloping goat project. Dynamics calculations by DynaMechs
  • RHexLib and SimSect are developed and used by the RHex project.
  • ADAMS View has been used to model the dynamics of Sprawlita (vSprawl) and the Sprawlettes (example turning.avi)
  • Autolev is another interesting modelling package
  • Open Dynamics Engine - Open source rigid body simulation engine
  • CMLabs Vortex engine - Commercial rigid body simulation library
  • Adams - Commercial design/simulation package
  • Darwin 2K - Open source simulator initially intended for evolutionary robot design
  • SD/Fast - Symbolic dynamics package, but does not handle collisions/contact constraints
  • Arachi - Commercial simulation library. Rich feature set but very new and somewhat immature.
  • Gazebo - Just found this. Seems to be an open source rigid body simulation tool. Oops, seems to use ODE as its engine.
  • more...

Technical Details:


e-mail correspondence on the subject:

-- MarkCutkosky - 06 Jun 2003

Notes and Log of Project Subgroup 4.1 - Simulation Tools:

Discussion of Simulation Capabilities vs. Group Needs, for members of Subgroup 4.1 - Simulation Tools:

Creature Description Language (CDL)

  • DesignReviewCDL - a very early definition of what roles the CDL will take
  • CDLSandBox - a document with more-specific ideas for the CDL user interface

Parametric Contact Modeling (PCM)

Real-Time Interface (RTI)

Subgroup 4.1 Task and Timeline Updates:

Movies and other attachments for the simulation page:

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