-- UlucSaranli? - 10 Jun 2003

Review of available rigid body simulation systems

Created Thu May 29 18:27:36 EDT 2003 by Uluc Saranli

There are a number of criteria that we will use to compare various options for simulations systems:

1. Integrator accuracy. Independent of how the system dynamics are computed, all simulation environments incorporate an integrator which evaluates the system dynamics and computes the system state at subsequent time steps. Possibilities range from first order Euler method to Runge Kutta 45 with adaptive time step adjustment as well as various stiff integrators.

2. Enforcement of contact constraints. All the systems we consider incorporate collision detection and dyamically form and break contacts between objects. Methods for enforcing the contacts are different for each system though. Possibilities range from penalty based methods to generation of joint constraints between objects. Another aspect of this is the friction model that is associated with contacts.

3. Accuracy of contact detection. Whether the system does iterative refinement of the time step to identify the "exact" time of collision will influence the accuracy of the simulation. Most systems use a fixed time step and rely on the constraint solver to pull the contact back to a nonpenetrating state.

4. Available collision geometries. In most cases, polygonal geometries are sufficient to detect collisions and deal with contact forces. However, there are cases when smoother geometries may be required for accurate simulation. For example, one would need the ability to define a true cylinder or a sphere as a wheel for smooth rolling on flat surfaces. A discretized polygonal approximation would create behavioral errors as each edge/vertex collides with the ground, deviating from the ideal behavior.

5. Architectural ease of use. We need to incorporate the simulation system with our robot control software. The architectural design, platform requirements and closed/open source nature of various systems have impact on how easily this can be accomplished.

6. Documentation, code maturity and support.

Below is a list of existing systems that I have identified and their conformance to the criteria that I have outlined above. The order in which they are presented is arbitrary and should not be regarded as a preferential order.

Open Dynamics Engine


1. Integrator accuracy: Currently only supports first order Euler method. The API is not very transparent and it would be fairly involved to implement more accurate integrators.

2. Enforcement of contact constraints: Their documentation gives the impression that contacts, when they are formed at each step of the simulation, are treated as joints and become "hard" constraints. So, in contrast to penalty based methods which require penetration to enforce contact constraints, this system will enforce the contact more successfully. From what I can tell, it supports a lot of useful parameters for the handling of contacts. So, this is an average implementation of an LCP solver with approximate friciton for speed.

ODE adopts an approximate Coulomb friction model. There are two models to choose from: a. constant limits on tangential friction forces, independent of normal force, b. a two step algorithm to introduce some approximate dependence on normal force. Both of these replace circular friction cone with local axis aligned rectangular cones. The second ption is approximate in the sense that it first computes the normal force assuming zero friction, then in the second iteration, it uses Coulomb limits based on the normal force from the previous step.

3. Accuracy of contact detection: There is no explicit refinement mechanism for identifying exact collision time. The system relies on a mechanism which corrects for constraint drift to bring the contact back to a nonpenetrating state. The initial detection error will depend on the constant time step that was chosen as well as the speed of colliding objects.

4. Available collision geometries: box, sphere, plane, capped cylinder, ray. Triangular mesh support is somewhat preliminary and not very stable. I believe that the collision detection and contact constraints take into account the true smooth shape of these primitives rather than polygonal approximations. Collision detection is extensible though, so one could imagine building the primitives we need (somewhat painful).

5. Architecturally, ODE is quite suitable for integration with RHexLib. It does not enforce much in the way of building simulations and has the option of replacing most components (including graphics) with your favorite package. Runs both on Linux and windows. The project is open-source and hence integration will be relatively easy.

6. Documentation is not bad. There is also a very active developer mailing list http://q12.org/pipermail/ode/ where useful discussions are actively going on. As with all OS projects though, the source code will be the best resource.

CMLabs Vortex Engine


  • http://www.cm-labs.com/products/vortex/
  • Contact: Carlos at (514) 287 1166
  • Office is localted in Montreal 420 Notre Dame Street West, suite 505 Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2Y? 1V3
  • Commercial package
  • Chris Urmson from RI working with Whittaker and Simmons also bought the package.
  • Uses an LCP solver
  • Academic pricing seems to be $4500+$2700 for support and maintenance.

1. Integrator accuracy: Vortex also currently uses a first order Euler method based integrator. However, I have been informed that their new version 3 (currently 2.0.1) has a flexible architecture for incorporating new integrators and should shortly after have more accurate integrators. Of course, as with most commercial companies, no idea about the timeline.

2. Enforcement of contact constraints: This aspect is not very explicitly described in their documentation. Their examples seemed to involve a lot more surface penetration than expected if the constraint satisfaction were more accurate. It will probably be hard to get details on how the internals of their system work. Their documentation says they use LCP solver to enforce the constraints, which leads me to believe that the actual enforcement is accurate. Perhaps the penetration is caused by inaccurate detection of collisions?

3. Accuracy of contact detection: Cortex also uses constant time step iterations and hence does not accurately detect collisions. It may be possible to play tricks at the higher level simulation loop to do iterative refinement, but this may involve some nontirivial hacking. On the other hand, they seem to have a "safetime" feature which eliminates problems when small but fast traveling objects (such as bullets) pass through thin stationary objects (such as walls).

4. Available collision geometries: The collision geometries provided by Vortex are fairly extensive. They support geometrical primitives such as boxes, cones, cylinders, planes and spheres, as well as mesh types such as convex mesh, triangle mesh and triangle list. They also support heigh fields and composite models. I don't think there is any way to extend the collision models in an integrated way, although callbacks etc. are provided to potentially enable custom collision handling.

5. Architectural ease of use: Vortex is also very suitable for integration with RHexLib. The main simulation loop is not hidden and can be easily embedded in a separate application. Vortex is a development library rather than a standalone system, so integration will be easy. Visualization can be done through the facilities supplied with the library or any other package we may choose to use. I had a few minor problems with compilation due to compiler and library mismatches, but these should be relatively easy to deal with. The major concern is the closed source nature of the library and the dependence on the company in case of lacking features.

6. API documentation is very good, although it lacks some of the technical details on the algorithms that are used. They have a number of good source code examples. The code seems fairly mature and stable, but there are some features lacking as mentioned above. Support is responsive, although we probably will not get too much technical support unless we purchase one of their support packages.



1. Integrator accuracy: Adams is our best option in this regard. They feature 5 or 6 different integrators with various accuracy and stability properties. Their target market is much more accuracy oriented than other game-oriented systems. However, I had the impression that their constraint solver is Lagrangian based and hence deals with contacts through penalty methods. I am not 100% sure of this, but it may reproduce less reliable results than, for example, an LCP based solver designed to exactly satisfy contact constraints.

2. Enforcement of contact constraints: As mentioned above, ADAMS uses penalty based methods which make contact constraints not so accurate. I believe joints are enforced through Lagrange multipliers and are hence accurately maintained. Maybe their choice of penalty based methods is historical as their system was designed before LCP methods were widely known

3. Accuracy of contact detection: I don't have much information or experience in this regard. However, knowing that ADAMS is widely used in a number of commercial settings which require accuracy, I would guess that they handle collision detection fairly accurately.

4. Available collision geometries: Once again, I don't have much information in this regard. CMU has site license for Adams and I am trying to get a copy to check this stuff out.

5. Architectural ease of use: This is where Adams loses. Currently, it is Windows based (Unix version is in the works, except the Sun version which is somewhat crippled based on our earlier interfacing efforts) and it is a standalone application rather than a library. As a consequence, any interfacing to RHexLib will have to take place through socket type interfaces and over the network, which will be rather painful to implement and use. Furthermore, I am not sure whether it will be possible to implement a scheme where RHexLib is the "master" of the simulation and controls execution flow.

6. Overall, I think the documentation is good for their interactive version. However, for the kinds of interfacing that we want to do, it may not be that helpful. The kind of application we have in mind does not conform to their mainstream target market, which is more interested in interactive design and evaluation than control through a custom C interface. Once again, though, I do not have extensive experience in this regard.

Darwin 2K


1. Integrator accuracy: Seems to use an adaptive time step RK45, which is good. However, due to the insufficiency of the documentation, I could not find what the constraint solver is based on, neither for joints nor for contacts. So, we would need to do some source-digging to figure out what is going on.

2. Enforcement of contact constraints: Again, the documentation is not sufficient for an assesment. I will probably try to contact Chris for more info.

3. Accuracy of contact detection: From what I could tell, there isn't any explicit iteration for accurate contact detection. I am not 100% sure though.

4. Available collision geometries: darwin 2K uses RAPID for its collision detection and hence only supports polygonal meshes for collision detection and contacts. This will result in inaccuracies when trying to model things like wheels.

5. Architectural ease of use: Darwin 2K is open source, but its design is not as suitable for RHexLib integration os, for example, ODE. However, my impression from the source code was that it will be fairly straightforward to make it into a slave simulation engine to controller execution on RHexLib.

A big drawback of Darwin2K? is that its core design is somewhat polluted with its target domain, which is evolution of robot designs for optimization. It willrequire some architectural reworking to isolate the simulator to be embedded in our applications.

6. This is the worst aspect of Darwin 2K. Even though there is some reference documentation about the source, there is practically nothing explaining the overall structure of the library or the details of the methods used. Chris' thesis and the book based on the thesis are very high level and do not particularly address the implementation details of Darwin 2K. So, we will need to do a fair bit of reverse engineering to get things working. Given the unceertainities about the constraint satisfaction methods and such, I am not sure whether this is a very good option.



1. Integrator accuracy: SDFast comes with a RK4 integrator but it is possible and easy to use other integrators including other commercially available packages.

2. Enforcement of contact constraints: SDFast solves DAE based constraints. From the documentation, I got the impression that no unilateral constraints (inequality) are supported. As a consequence, it does not seem to have native support for contacts. We would need to implement contact management ourselves with possibly discrete transition mechanisms etc. I suspect this would be very involved.

3. Accuracy of contact detection: There is no contact detection. We would need to come up with contact models and implement iterative solution methods for their accurate detection.

4. Available collision geometries: No collision detection support.

5. Architectural ease of use: SDFast outputs C code which can then be compiled and linked into anything we want. In that respect, it is very flexible. However, lack of support for collision and contact constraints makes it pretty much unusable alone. We would need additional software for those capabilities. One potential problem is that Linux does not seem to be supported?

6. SDFast is very well documented and mature. There is also a large number of people who have used it for accurate simulation purposes.

Arachi Simulation Engine


  • http://www.arachi.com/ (very poor website with no info)
  • Contacts: Diego Ruspini <druspini@arachi.com>, Kyong-Sok Chang <kcchang@arachi.com>
  • Commercial library, mainly developed on windows but works under Linux

1. Integrator accuracy: Supports Euler, mid-point and huen 2nd order integrators. There seems to be flexibility in adding higher order integrators, but in presence of collisions the higher timesteps may not be desirable. Overall, the developers are knowledgeable about this issue and their systems seems to provide adequate accuracy.

2. Enforcement of contact constraints: Uses Baraff style LCP. Multibody dynamics are modeled using the Featherstone algorithm. Also handles closed chains.

3. Accuracy of contact detection: Uses a variant of Brian Mirtich's timewarp algorithm. Uses iterative methods to find exact time of collision. Currently does not handle missed collisions due to discrete time steps, but they are open to the idea of adding swept volume capabilities. Seems to be the implementation with most complete features out there.

4. Available collision geometries: r-neighborhood around a convex hull. So, primitives like sphere, capped cylinder or rounded box can be modeled exactly. Library is equipped with means of specifying arbitrary polygonal shapes, but will slow simulation down due to the modeling of the geometries with each triangle as a convex hull of itself. Seems to be a little bit troublesome. As with other library style packages, the geometry needs to be built with function calls. We would need to write a "creature description language" wrapper around this, which is also true for CMLabs Vortex engine or other open-source libraries.

5. Architectural ease of use: It is a library with a well defined API, so it should be no problem to use it with RHexLib. Access to all simulation information is possible through API calls. Detection of collisions and online creation of constraints can be done. The developers are very responsive and helpful.

6. This is a fairly new system, so documentation is limited. The company was very responsive and they seem to be open to working together on improving their system as well. Given the rich feature-set, I think this is a system which could work for us.

update: I have obtained a evaluation version of the library and discovered that the documentation is currently very far behind. However, the developers have answered all my questions with a fairly impressive level of detail, which makes me a lot more comfortable. Another problem is that they currently do not have an evaluation version for Linux, but one of the developers will soon (2 weeks?) get back to me with a Linux compiled version of the library. It looks like the core library is platform independent, but their examples are setup to use GLUT and QHULL, for which they have only worked with Windows versions. Clearly, before I get a working Linux version, we cannot commit to this library.

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