surise_exp_060822_110615.mat - QuadraRiSE on shingles, sangbae toes, speeds up to 0.195, at BDI, successcul no slips. gait not tuned properly, but still no slips
cmurise_exp_060823_072657.mat - RiSE on shingles, sangbae toes, speeds up to 0.17, at BDI, really too easy, surface is not as difficult as originally thought.
cmurise_exp_060823_074650.mat - RiSE on cinderblocks, sangbae toes, speed around 0.05, at BDI, left front foot toed in. Successful, a little slipping at top. Front feet came off on top.
cmurise_exp_060823_092412.mat - RiSE on cinderblocks, sangbae toes, speed up to 0.09? at BDI, both left and right front toed in. Successful no slips.
cmurise_exp_060823_111902.mat - RiSE on cinderblocks, sangbae toes, all toes in "correct" original positions. front left is not engaging properly. Only the inner toes engage. Seems odd since the front right do engage properly. Why is the front left foot always different? Does it matter?
cmurise_exp_060823_112749.mat - RiSE on cinderblocks, sangbae toes, tail angle reduced to put more normal force on rear feet. Unsuccessful. Climbed a few strides, but front left leg is having issues getting good engagememt. Eventually the robot fell off the wall. Some suggested it is a calibration problem, but the normal force requirement on the legs should get rid of the need to calibrate. Looking forward to Alan's code that would require each foot to generate normal force before in stride. No increased normal force on rear feet.
cmurise_exp_060823_120806.mat - RiSE on cinderblocks, sangbae toes, changed tail angle back to as close to original as I could get. Switched front left and rear left feet. Adjusted those feet so yaw angle is at factory settings. Right foot looks like it is engaging better than front left foot. In fact, that seems to be the case for all the trials. However, the normal vs. traction force looks better for the front left. Maybe our definition of what is a desired force space plot is incorrect?