Updating RiSE GUI for Calibration

run program: ~/RoboDevel/Libraries/bin/fluid
file>>open: ~/RoboDevel/RiSE/OCUCode/RiSEGUI/RiSECalibIntf.fl
Edit the GUI in any way
(we added the NO LEG status option, and made it blue)
(side note: we wound up editting the .fl manually because it found the .fl file before finding fluid)

Then file>>write code to generate the .cc and .hh files

Rebuild the RiSE tree

Updating Code for Calibration

(Normally, I wouldn't want to modify a *Struct.hh file, but this one doesn't seem to have a .mod file associated with it)
Line 72: Added NO_LEG status

line 200: added code to handle NO_LEG status

line 106 172, 218: Added checks for the No_LEG status
(Need to ensure that the call to _hiphw->getStatus(i) will return RiSEHipHW? ::STATUS_NOHIP if the motor driver isn't present)

-- SalomonTrujillo - 08 May 2006

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