Actuator Search--difficulty finding EPAM actuators for sale--SRI/AMI only seems to be doing large quantity applications for big companies ActuatorSearch.doc
Proofread two papers on THBIP II for Xiong and Prof. Chen
Big Sister Arrived (wed morn)
Week 4 (July 15-21)
Telecon with Xi'an
tour of Tsinghua IC Equipment Lab--very interesting work: they build precision 2 axis locating devices, and then attach a two photon laser assembly to do point by point exposure, similar to an FDM macroscale process but with points, not lines; they quoted resolution at 10nm (although there was some translation issues, and the original quote was 10mm); a few SEMs they sent me of the point by point layering process, notice undercuts are possible, but staircasing effect is present; dinosaur.tifgear.tif
revisions for "Simulation in Healthcare" technical report article written with Dr. Kay Daniels; based on old 218D birthing simulator project; revisions complete and reviewers comments addressed, figure added, resubmitted : KayPaperRevisedJuly.doc, [[] Fig.4.jpg]]
Communication with Dan Soto about MERL Cleanshop issues, broken molds, SEMs, etc.
Second meeting with industrial design students
Week 2 (July 1-7)
return from Milwaukee (tuesday eve)
short commentary on potential facial expression and body language expression in cell phone: July6Commentary.doc:
main idea of robot skin comprised of touch sensors, flexible & exensible display, encapsulation in transparent silicone rubber occurs to me--possible topic in BDML
Nokia team meeting
Gave Chinglish presentation about BDML to entire lab (~25 people, 5 prof.) very well received LabIntroduction.ppt Strange enough, Will Provancher visisted this lab and gave a talk sometime 1 or 2 years ago, so some people are already familair with older StickyBot and SpinyBot work
Meeting with Industrial Design students discussing cell phone usage, human behavior, gesture recognition, very interesting, but mostly in chinese and difficult to understand--they have a new building, though, which is quite nice
Week 1 (June 24-30)
leave for Milwaukee wedding (thursday eve)
up to speed on project (although things here are very roughly defined)
some labmates leave to attend Robo Cup in Atlanta, others leave to go on 1 month social service requirement, lab is 60% full
Initial Days (June 22-24)
1st meeting with Prof. Chen and other graduate students