Task | Approx Dur | Start | Stop | Notes |
Leg Theory | 2-3wks | 07/02/03 | 07/30/03 | 4th draft of some leg theory Adding Twiki page |
Robot testing (leg effects) | 2-3wks | 07/08/03 | 07/24/10 | 1st round of leg testing (singles & leg pairs), Analysis DONE (see LegTurnNotes.doc and maxsortboth.xls) |
Robot testing (slow active servo gait) | 1wk | 06/22/03 | 06/23/03 | Added active servoing interface to Tern code, Movie |
ADAMS (leg effects) | 1-2wks | 07/11/03 | 07/25/03 | Simulations mirror 1st round leg testing Analysis DONE (see LegTurnNotes.doc and maxsortboth.xls) |
ADAMS (slope/friciton limitations) | 1-2wks | 06/30/03 | 07/02/03 | Need to summarize excel table |
ADAMS (other-active servoing, periodic force) | depends | |||
Antenna (higher level control, 2nd antenna) | 2wks | |||
Basic STAMP for servo control | 1-2wks | 07/08/03 | 07/29/03 | Spec'ing (see NxtGen) Done, order as needed (see NxtGenLst.xls) |
Wireless (2-way link to Porta-sprawl) | 1-2wks | 07/08/03 | 07/29/03 | Spec'ing (see BlueTooth) Done, order as needed (see NxtGenLst.xls) |
Leg Theory
Sit down and think about the leg effects and how to achieve turns both through the use of moment analysis and some YPR intuition. Develop some hypothesis of what may be going on, and what is desirable for certain turning goals. Document thoughts and include drawings
Robot testing (leg effects)
Decide on test parameters for experiments. Test plan has already been outlined in "leg_turning.doc". Don?t forget to consider the nonlinear effects in the level selection. Try leg angle changes of ~25-30 degrees and DC changes above 20%. This will ensure at least moderate responses.
Robot testing (slow active servo gait)
Determine test strategy. May want to consider:
ADAMS (leg effects)
Similar testing to that done on the robot for comparison
ADAMS (slope/friction limitations)
Increase slope and determine point of 63% (or some other value => 50%, 70%, 90%) velocity decrease (-3dB?) relative to flat, normal running. State why the cutoff point was selected. Change the friction properties and repeat. Use these results, and try to verify with robot on different slopes and ground types.
ADAMS (other-active servoing, periodic force)
Periodic force can be added using the disturbance code that was used for constant radius circular turns ("make_cockroach4_CMP_6dc_PERT.cmd").
Active servoing may have to include servo dynamics (may be tedious), or a leg angle path that is preset to be periodic (tedious, but probably not as bad as other option).
Antenna (higher level control, 2nd antenna)
Integrate path monitor in software that records antenna signals and TF values. This path monitor can be used to determine features and respond accordingly. Add a 2nd antenna and integrate its sensing into the code also. Brainstorm on scenarios for using two antenna (run down narrow hall, wall following with additional input, etc.)
Basic STAMP for servo control
Reevaluate Basic STAMP and PICs for integration onto body with servo control.
Wireless (2-way link to Porta-sprawl)
Work on a 2 way link to communicate with Porta-Sprawl. Stripped down version of the Tern code to return some basic data for display.
BlueTooth - Links and notes on Bluetooth (and other) products for 2-way communication in NxtGen
LithiumIon - Li+ batteries, and others
HumanClimbing - Notes from research on human climbing for Moto's McGill trip
TreysLinks - On-going list of interesting internet links
Away from lab - I will be away for the first 2 weeks of September.
TreysRHexStackNotes - Notes from my CMU visit 01/22/04-01/23/04
TWikiDarksideInstallation - TWiki setup notes for Linux on thedarkside
FootAndLegTrajectoryTestingProcedure - Notes on foot/leg testing with the RHex stack
Testing line
-- AMcClung? - 15 Jun 2004