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Haptics Web
(06 Apr 2011,
BDML Haptics Group Publications and Presentations
Presentations and Media
P.B. Shull, K.L. Lurie, M.R. Cutkosky, T.F. Besier,
Training Multi-parameter Gaits to Reduce the Knee Adduction Moment with Data-driven Models and Haptic Feedback
," Journal of Biomechanics, In Press, 2011
Y-L Park, S. Eleyaperumal, B. Daniel, S-C Ryu, M. Shin, J. Savall, R.J. Black, B. Moslehi, and M.R. Cutkosky,
Real-Time Estimation of Three-Dimensional Needle Shape and Deflection for MRI-Guided Interventions
, accepted for publication in
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
, 2010. DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2010.2080360
K. Bark, J. Wheeler, P.B. Shull, J. Savall, M. Cutkosky,
Rotational Skin Stretch Feedback: A Wearable Haptic Display for Motion
," IEEE Transactions on Haptics, pp. 166-176, July-September, 2010
P.B. Shull, K.L. Lurie, M. Shin, T. Besier and M.R. Cutkosky,
Haptic Gait Retraining for Knee Osteoarthritis Treatment
, IEEE Haptics Symposium, pp. 409-416, 2010.
P.B. Shull, K. Bark, and M.R. Cutkosky,
Skin Nonlinearities and their Effect on User Perception for Rotational Skin Stretch
, IEEE Haptics Symposium, pp. 77-82, 2010.
J. Wheeler, K. Bark, J. Savall and M.R. Cutkosky,
Investigation of Rotational Skin Stretch for Proprioceptive Feedback with Application to Myoelectric Systems
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering,
vol.18, no.1, pp.58-66, Feb. 2010 doi: 10.1109/TNSRE.2009.2039602
Y-L Park, S.C. Ryu, R.J. Black, K. Chau, B. Moslehi and M.R. Cutkosky,
Exoskeletal Force Sensing End-Effectors with Embedded Optical Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors
, accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Robotics (2009).
L. Jiang, M.R. Cutkosky, J. Ruutiainen and R. Raisamo,
Using Haptic Feedback to Improve Grasp Force Control in Multiple Sclerosis Patients
, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, special issue on Rehabilitation Robotics, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp.593-601, June 2009.
K. Bark, J. Wheeler, G. Lee, J. Savall, M.R. Cutkosky,
A Wearable Skin Stretch Device for Haptic Feedback
, World Haptics 2009, Salt Lake City, UT, March 2009.
Y-L. Park, S. Elayaperumal, S. Ryu1, B. Daniel, R. J. Black, B. Moslehi, and M. R. Cutkosky.
“MRI-compatible Haptics: Strain sensing for real-time estimation of three dimensional needle deflection in MRI environments.”
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 17th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 18-24, 2009.
Y-L. Park, S. Elayaperumal, B.L. Daniel, E. Kaye, K.B. Pauly, R.J. Black, and M.R. Cutkosky,
"MRI-compatible Haptics: Feasibility of using optical fiber Bragg grating strain-sensors to detect deflection of needles in an MRI environment"
, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) 2008, 16th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Toronto, Canada, May 2008
Y-L. Park, S.C. Ryu, R.J. Black, B. Moslehi, and M.R. Cutkosky,
"Fingertip Force Control with Embedded Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors"
, IEEE ICRA08, Pasadena, CA, May 2008
L.Jiang, J. Ruutiainen, M.R. Cutkosky and R. Raisamo,
"Improving Finger Force Control with Vibrational Haptic Feedback for Multiple Sclerosis"
, The IASTED International Conference on Assistive Technologies 08 , Baltimore, Maryland, April 2008
Bark, K., Wheeler, J., Premakumar, S., Cutkosky, M.,
%u201CComparison of Skin Stretch and Vibrotactile Stimulation for Feedback of Proprioceptive Information%u201D
, IEEE Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, Reno, NV, March 2008
Best Student Paper
Mark R. Cutkosky, Robert D. Howe, and William R. Provancher,
Force and Tactile Sensors
, Handbook of Robotics, Springer Publishing, 2008.
Y-L Park, K. Chau, R.J. Black, and M.R. Cutkosky,
"Force Sensing Smart Robot Fingers using Embedded Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors and Shape Deposition Manufacturing," IEEE ICRA07
, Rome, Italy, April 2007.
Best Manipulation Paper
Link to older Haptics and Dexterous Manipulation publications
J.W. Wheeler, "
Wearable Tactile Displays for Motion Feedback
," Ph.D. thesis, August 2009, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University.
K Bark, "
Rotational Skin Stretch for Wearable Haptics: a new approach to tactile display
" Ph.D. thesis, March 2009, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University.
Li Jiang, "
Portable Haptic Feedback for Training and Rehabilitation
," Ph.D. thesis, March 2009, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University.
Previous haptics theses on the old Touch website
Presentations and Media
03 March 2008:
Karlin Bark and Skin Stretch featured on abc Channel 7 News "Drive to Discover"
- started 27 Feb 2008
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