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(10 Jul 2009,
2004 A. Miller, P. Allen
GraspIt: A Versatile Simulator for Robotic Grasping
2007 M. Ciocarlie, C. Goldfeder, P. Allen
Dimensionality reduction for hand-independent dexterous robotic grasping
2008 Ciocarlie, Allen
On-Line Interactive Dexterous Grasping
Minimizing a Distance function
Sum of distances between desired contact points and object surface
Sum of angular differences between surface normals and hand contact normals
Successfully creates a grasp, however grasping is not certain
Simulated annealing
Takes into account the potential of hand posture
Calculate wrenches at each desired grasp point(Grasp Wrench Space)
Take the convex hull of the GWS
Quality is determined by the distance from the origin to the closest boundary of the GWS
If the origin is not contained in the space, no force closure (Q=0).
- good presentation on method
Eigengrasps provide the space across which to search, but still too big
173 seconds for 10000 iterations
How can we reduce that time and provide some interactivity with people at the same time?
Human + Robot!!
Grasp Sequence
Human positions wrist, reducing the space of eigengrasps drastically.
Automated grasp planning algorithm (simulated annealing) finds a stable pregrasp along the wrists direction of motion to reduce the search space.
Contact-detection algorithm in
! is used to concurrently calculate the final grasp position.
User indicates acceptance of grasp by either moving wrist to new position or accepting grasp.
Final acceptance comes with a close command, which executes the final grasp position
Columbia University Robotics Lab - GraspIt!
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