Minimizing a Distance function

  • Sum of distances between desired contact points and object surface
  • Sum of angular differences between surface normals and hand contact normals
  • Successfully creates a grasp, however grasping is not certain

Simulated annealing

  • Takes into account the potential of hand posture
  • Calculate wrenches at each desired grasp point(Grasp Wrench Space)
  • Take the convex hull of the GWS
  • Quality is determined by the distance from the origin to the closest boundary of the GWS
  • If the origin is not contained in the space, no force closure (Q=0).


Grasp Sequence

  1. Human positions wrist, reducing the space of eigengrasps drastically.
  2. Automated grasp planning algorithm (simulated annealing) finds a stable pregrasp along the wrist’s direction of motion to reduce the search space.
  3. Contact-detection algorithm in GraspIt? ! is used to concurrently calculate the final grasp position.
  4. User indicates acceptance of grasp by either moving wrist to new position or accepting grasp.
  5. Final acceptance comes with a close command, which executes the final grasp position


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