Queue of Samples awaiting adhesion testing

To be completed by 14 Nov 2008

adhesion vs. backing layer

  • peak adhesion vs. backing layer thickness
adhesion vs. squeegee dimension
  • peak adhesion vs. squeegee width
  • peak adhesion vs. fill factor
bilayer squeegee testing
  • peak adhesion
  • video of bilayer

List generated from 10 nov 2008 microwedge meeting:

figures / questions

  • adhesion vs backing layer
  • stiffness vs backing layer
  • adhesion vs. squeegee dimension and fill factor
  • stiffness of bilayer
  • urethane vs. PDMS
  • adhesion vs. velocity vs. dimensions
  • scaling data 20,50,bilayer
  • adhesion vs. roughness
  • mike flaps


  • urethane sample
  • squeegees
  • backing layer
  • chisel tips
  • bilayer
  • spacing samples
  • staggered wedges
  • mike flaps
  • ten microns

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