1. Run the StickybotGaitDesigner.m file (talk to JohnUlmen for directions on how to)
  2. Open the SB3/Embedded/GestureBuilder/ using your favorite file management system (i.e. Windows Explorer)
  3. Copy build_manual_clean.py to build_manual_YOURGAITNAME.py where you replace YOURGAITNAME with a unique name.
  4. Delete the four buildWaveform command from build_manual_YOURGAITNAME.py and replace them with those generated by StickybotGaitDesigner? .m
  5. On the Dell laptop: Launch PyLab (IPython), it will take a minute or three to initialize.
  6. On Pylab, change directory to the GestureBuilder by typing: cd SB3/Embedded/GestureBuilder/
  7. Load the master build_manual code by typing: import build_manual_YOURGAITNAME as b (This command only works once during a python session, if you made changes, type reload(b))
  8. The waveforms should appear in the two figure windows.
  9. Connect StickybotIII? via the USB-serial cable to the laptop (the com port can be modified in GestureBuilder/uploader.py)
  10. Execute b.g.upload()

-- JohnUlmen - 21 Jan 2011

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