Michele Lanzetta


UPDATED August 2007: Working on a monograph about SDM (ManufacturingHome)

  • 2007
    • HierarchicalStructures?

About my experience @ Stanford (2004)

  • I have learned the importance of team work and cooperation, I have really seen a cooperative lab, with many different skills, working concurrently, with unstructured dynamic partial overlap, with a common target
  • I have seen the importance of motivation on young, fresh, talented people, from a great leader (Prof. Cutkosky)
  • I have found nice, open and welcoming friends, eating, having fun and getting together
  • I have seen the sharing, multiplication and accumulation of knowledge: twiki, official and restricted meetings, telecons...
  • I have had the pleasure of contributing to a challenging, exciting and innovative project (Rise)
  • I have seen a personal and physical network of interdisciplinary and very deep knowledge
  • I have been professionally enriched by switching my mind from a production/process engineer devoted to incremental research, to a product (feet for the climbing robot) designer, with no constraints and boundaries
  • I have personally verified the status and the impact, in and out of the US, of being a Stanford affiliate
  • I have had the pleasure of manual work, of learning by doing, of continual experimentation, with immense dotation of materials and tools (the bdml)
  • I have had the pleasure of testing almost in real-time all the theory I developed, finding an optimal balance between thinking and making
  • This might serve as final speech before I leave, so let me add: thank you!

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