See ElectrostaticSensor page for preliminary experiments with electrostatic array sensor for foot proximity and contact sensing.

-- VirgilioMattoli? - 02 July 2004

I've been doing some work on using a pressure sensor to measure the normal force on a foot. This involves the SDM fabrication of a fluid-filled chamber. For more information check out PressureSensing.

-- MiguelPiedrahita? - 13 May 2004

I'm doing some experiments incorporating the accelerometer into the robot foot to detect touchdown and slipping. I put some initial accelerometer measurements and goals into a powerpoint presentation which is attached below.

-- AlanAsbeck - 22 Apr 2004

I'll be investigating foot and ankle designs to help accomplish our project goal of developing legged robots that can climb. Component design should be as simple as possible; however, it may be beneficial to include local signal processing and control to modify foot posture and placement to enable climbing regardless of terain. One of the major challenges will be to integrate appropriate sensing and actuation capabilities into a compact package.

Tasks/Goals (June/July) - For June/July I'll mainly be trying to get up to speed (including heading up to Berkeley to get acclimated with Ron Fearing's lab), doing some brainstorming and tinkering with some simple design concepts while I finish writing up my thesis.

-- WillP? - 17 Jun 2003

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