, rather than going through the steps below.
to be used by the program step_test
on the stack
command to securely copy the .RC file to bailorgana scp step_test.rc rhex@bailorgana:users/amcclung/LegTestCode02
to automate the process and copy specific files
su root
or just su
and then enter the password, type exit
when you're done
) step_test.rc
for profile values
Code Versions | Notes |
step versions | |
STEP_TEST | First working step input version (uses fully automated hard-stop based calibration |
STEP_TEST_NOCALIB | User places leg against the stops before testing, program moves it to initial position Reads step_test.rc for variables |
STEP_TEST_NOCALIB2 | Same as VER 1, but step variables given relative to crank angle rather than time Reads step_test_nocalib2.rc for variables |
STEP_TEST_NOCALIB3 | Same as VER 2, but returns to initial position after test, variable defined reset delay Reads step_test_nocalib3.rc for variables |
NOTE | none yet |