TWiki > Rise Web>TWikiUsers > DanaUng>DanaSummerTwiki (30 Nov 2004, DanaUng? )
08/22/04 - Sunday
  • Embed claws in wax mold
  • SDM feet

08/20/04 - Friday

  • Cutting and bending claws
  • Prepare and plane new mold

08/19/04 - Thursday

  • Ordering parts from McMaster
  • Shrinkwrapping m2 screws to coat screws

08/18/04 - Wednesday

  • Meeting with Mark
  • Taking haas tool measurements
  • Testing mold penetratiblity

08/17/04 - Tuesday

  • Rise Meeting
  • Lab cleanup
  • Drain the oil from the Enerpac Power Supply
  • Looking for available m2 screws for Moto's foot/ankle design
  • Tests of CMU foot/ankle on test track with Trey

08/16/04 - Monday

  • Claw sharpening for the foot

08/13/04 - Friday

  • Solidworks modeling of foot/ankle
  • Moto's foot/ankle design
    • Talked about his design
    • Talked about plans to manufacture the foot/ankle
  • Claw sharpenung for the foot
  • Set up for MERL BBQ

08/12/04 - Thursday

  • Foot/ankle designing
    • Feedback from Moto
  • Finalized foot/ankle design

08/11/04 - Wednesday

  • Meeting with Mark
  • Finding the center of mass of the leaning tower of Pisa.
  • Foot design brainstorming

08/10/04 - Tuesday

  • Foot/ankle design brainstorming
  • Talked to Moto
    • Summer plans
    • Foot/ankle designs

08/09/04 - Monday

  • Foot/ankle design brainstorming
  • Familiarization with SolidWorks *Modifiying current ankle

08/02/04 to 08/06/04

  • Making plans for the rest of the summer since Miguel is going on vacation
    • Talk to Will about new foot designs
  • Trying to get SolidWorks to work on the computers
    • Problem with authorization codes
  • Brainstorming foot designs
  • Familiarization with SolidWorks

07/30/04 - Friday

  • Toybot Testing

07/29/04 - Thursday

  • Toybot Testing

07/28/04 - Wednesday

  • Update Twiki pages with past week's work
  • Reading Twiki documentation for test track

07/27/04 - Tuesday

  • Reading Twiki meeting notes from the past week

07/26/04 - Monday

  • Testing new feet on test track
    • Taking video
    • Finding successful and unsuccessful foot orientations/trajectories
  • Telecon

07/23/04 - Friday

  • Assembly of ankle and foot parts
  • Reinforcing parts of the foot and ankle flexture with epoxy and superglue
  • Ship off feet

07/22/04 - Thursday

  • Telecon
  • Making new feet for CMU
    • Modifying feet by shaving them down in size to avoid running into each other
    • Bending claws
    • Removing SDM parts from wax mold

07/21/04 - Wednesday

  • Making new feet for CMU
    • Mounting a new wax block for SDM
    • CNC and SDM of ankle and ankle parts

07/20/04 - Tuesday

  • Rise Meeting
  • Telecon
  • Making new feet for CMU
    • Making claws
    • CNC and SDM of new feet
    • Making flextures
    • Making sticky pads layer

07/19/04 - Monday

  • Reviewing videos of feet tests Miguel and Trey did over the weekend
  • Telecon
  • More testing on the test track with video

07/16/04 - Friday

  • Familiarization with trajectory parameters
  • Made table for testing feet
    • Which parameters should we vary
  • Fixed Test Track
    • Adjustment of the earplug spring to change the equilibrium position of the leg
    • Cut off wood that was inhibiting compliance in the z direction

07/15/04 - Thursday

  • Modifications to the foot
    • Additional mounting holes to allow mounting at different locations
  • Mounted our 3-claw wooden foot
  • Familiarization with testing for the new test process
  • Preliminary testing for the foot

07/14/04 - Wednesday

  • Meeting with Mark, Dan, and John
  • Machined wedge to facilitate mounting the foot parallel to the wall
  • Teleconference
  • Familiarization with the test track
  • Preliminary foot testing

07/13/04 - Tuesday

  • RISE Meeting
  • Ideas for improving feet
  • Teleconference
  • Machined new prototype feet
  • Familiarization with the test track
  • Calibration of test track
  • Modified SolidWorks model
    • Added new lower leg
    • Added a wedge to make foot parallel to the wall

07/12/04 - Monday

  • Foot Design
    • Simple force plate testing of different prototype feet by hand (test track isn't up yet) * Data to be placed on chewie
    • Data Analysis
    • Ideas for improving feet from testing
    • New foot design idea with curved claws
  • Determined the minium adhesion force required by the robot

07/09/04 - Friday

  • Pin adhesion data from yesterday
    • Plotting
    • Analysis
    • Twiki update
  • Foot Design
    • Solidified objective - working foot on a cork surface
    • General testable foot design
    • Helped machine a wooden testable prototype foot with Miguel

07/08/04 - Thursday

  • Lab cleanup
  • Inspection of Chewie's fan noice
    • Attempts to replace fan/ power source
  • Cleaning tools for the HAAS machine
  • Testing adhesion of pins on cork
    • Taking data
    • \\chewie\users\Climbing\TestTrackData\Pin_Adhesion_Test

07/07/04 - Wednesday

  • Meeting with Mark
    • Clarify objectives
    • Observations of trends in data
  • Data analysis
  • Leg Meeting
  • Cleaning tools for the HAAS machine with Miguel

07/06/04 - Tuesday

  • RISE Meeting
  • Data Analysis on Soft Lamellae Foot
  • Watched Miguel work on the running foot
    • Conversion from SolidWorks to Unigraphics
    • Creating toolpaths on Unigraphics

07/02/04 - Friday

  • Finished retesting specific sets of the soft lamellae foot
  • Mounted the Dactyl foot
  • Varied wing angles for both the dactyl foot so it has the same normal force as that of the lamellae foot
    • This eliminates the normal force as a variable in comparing the two

07/01/04 - Thursday

  • Finishing touches on prototype foot
  • Foot Design Meeting
    • Will work with Miguel on a foot that can be mounted on the test track
  • Added a ruler to the test track - to measure displacement
  • Data analysis
    • Identified a few data sets that yielded high forces in the y direction (Sets E, F, H, K)
  • Troubleshooting with the test track
    • Links came loose
    • Problems with the accelerometer's flex cable

06/30/04 - Wednesday

  • Data Analysis
  • Worked on summer schedule
  • Worked on the second generation prototype foot with Miguel at the machine shop

06/29/04 - Tuesday

  • RISE Meeting
  • Redid Data Analysis with Trey's new code
    • \\chewie\users\Climbing\TestTrackData\lamellae foot\soft
    • \\chewie\users\Climbing\TestTrackData\lamellae foot\hard
  • Worked on foot designs with Miguel
    • Finalized foot design

06/28/04 - Monday

  • Talked to Trey about the summer schedule
  • Worked on improving foot designs with Miguel
    • Worked primarily on the rotating foot design (Rotational DOF For Multiple Claw Attachments) NewFootDesignsJune04
  • Tested the Dactyl foot
    • Did 4 tests with varying parameters - the foot slipped in all cases

06/25/04 - Friday

  • Brainstormed and experimented on foot designs with Miguel all day
  • Played around with quickly prototyped feet
  • Thoughts in brainstorming set goals of trying to achieve high friction on:
    • Each surface (cork, glass, and concrete)
    • On two of the three surface
    • On all three surfaces

06/24/04 - Thursday

  • Watched Gecko Video
  • Experimented with test track setup by modifying different parameters
    • i.e. period, speed, amplitude, offset, etc.
  • Output data for both hard and soft lamallae foot into graphs with Trey's code
    • Note: Graphs and links will be posted soon

06/23/04 - Wednesday

  • Meeting with Mark to talk about the direction of research
  • Foot design meeting
    • Paired up with Miguel for foot design work
  • Tested hard-lamallae foot with new accelerometer

06/22/04 - Tuesday

  • RISE Meeting
  • Accelerometer rundown with Alan
  • Tested soft-lamallae foot again with accelerometer
  • Finished testsfor soft-lamallae foot
  • Started testing for hard-lamallae foot
    • Something happened and too much voltage went through the accelerometer
    • High voltage burned out the accelerometer and invalidated all of the data for the hard-lamallae foot
  • SolidWorks modeling of the Leaning Tower of Pisa

06/21/04 - Monday

  • SURI Kickoff Event - Introduction/Orientation
  • Talked to Mark about simple CAD diagrams for freshman introsem
  • Solidworks tutorial from Miguel
  • Walkthrough data test taking with Trey
  • Recalibrated test track and foot (did testing at amplitude=20 and offset03 = 18)
  • Took data
  • Finished testing on soft-lamallae foot

Spring Quarter (Weekly Meetings with Emily)

  • RPL Tour
  • SDM Walkthrough
  • Labview Reading and Tutorials
  • Taking data on the test track

-- DanaUng? - 30 Nov 2004

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