This page will be used for collecting materials for the invited meeting on Anisotropic Microstructures for Directionally Controlled Dry Adhesives on Thursday April 20, 2006
Logistics: We will meet at 3:00pm outside the Marriott at 55 Fourth Street in San Francisco for carpooling to Stanford (watch for an email about ride sharing). We will drive to the loading dock of MERL, where the cars will be "valet parked" by graduate students.
The desired outcomes of the session are:
a shared understanding of the challenges associated with producing practical dry adhesives that can be used for climbing robots,
the identification of processes and technologies particularly suited for creating anisotropic microstructures and for integrating them with mesoscale (100-500 micrometer) structures to achieve adhesive climbing,
generation of draft materials that could be used to begin a white paper to promote further research in this emerging area.
Thursday April 20, 2006
15:00 meet outside San Francisco Marriott for trip to Stanford
16:00 Introduction and Welcome (Morley Stone, Director DARPA DSO Biodynotics)
16:15 Motivation: anisotropic friction/adhesion in climbing geckos and robots (Mark Cutkosky, Stanford; Kellar Autumn, Lewis & Clark)
16:30 Brief tour of RPL and Shape Deposition Mf'g Facilities (Fritz Prinz, Stanford)
17:00 Form 2-3 groups to take coffee and discuss fabrication and integration methods & issues
17:45 Reports from the breakout groups and general discussion
18:30 Adjourn; optional group dinner in Palo Alto or return to San Francisco
ManufacturingHome (SDM) : Shape Deposition Manufacturing is the fabrication method of choice for creating multi-material compliant legs and feet with embedded sensors, actuators and specialized structures for climbing.
RiSE Formal Interface Specification: This document contains information regarding the Physical, Functional, Behavioral and Organizational requirements for collaboration with Stanford University regarding the fabrication of dry adhesive feet for a climbing robot.