Technical Volume
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Latest complete drafts
- TechSection-v12.doc: Still various minor items to fix.
- items in red need attention. Also various bits & pieces of boilerplate (e.g. Conflict of Interest; DoD Impact;)
- TechSection-v7.doc: 26 July 11:00PDT -- Improved Bioinspiration plus references
- TechSection-v5.doc: 25 July - Draft of Proposal sent to Stanford OSR to begin processing
The technical volume is limited to a maximum of 30 pages including a cover sheet, all figures, references, tables, charts, and appendices.
Format: MSWord template with Styles for Tech Section
Cover Sheet
1 page
Executive Summary
~1.5 pages
If space permits - put a table here ~0.5 page at end that directly answers the questions on the whitepaper in blunt terms.
ExecSummary.doc: Current draft Exec Summary
Technical Section
~19 pages --
this is too optimistic given how current & pending, literature, etc. are growing. Maybe more like 16 pages.
TechSection.doc: Old draft of Technical Section - see Mark's copy at the bottom of the page
Concept Definition
Clearly describe the proposed materials, actuation, and systems architecture concepts for ChemBots. Describe the underlying physical mechanisms that enable locomotion, shape morphing, and reconstitution, including associated on-board power/computing requirements and resources. Describe the basic strategy for traversal through arbitrary size/shape openings.
Vision of bio-inspired soft robot that can dramatically change shape, locomote, extrude through narrow openings, reconsitute and
morph, which we define
as changing
configuration as well as dimensions in a way that increases functional capabilties.
Robot is chemically powered for high energy density and to avoid use of non-deformable motors or power transmission systems. It is also self-consuming, as the chemical power source, H202, is an incompressible fluid that forms part hydrostatic structure.
Robot will exploit novel combinations of elastomeric materials with embedded sensors, actuation and control elements.
Particular concept, as explained in Approach section, is to start with a single worm-like tentacle that can crawl and steer autonomously. This unit will immediately demonstrate abiltiy to locomote and sqeeze through an aperture. Appending several of these segments in series allows us to create a structure that can morph between a linear, worm-like, and branched, sea star-like, configuration. The latter configuration adds exciting new capabilities for climbing and grasping objects.
what else needs to be said here?
Provide a detailed analysis of the technical rationale that supports the proposed ChemBots concept, including performance estimates.
- Morphing methods, advantages and fundamental limits -- and how we will address them.
Show picture of worm-bot crawling & squeezing through hole and tri-star in it's 3 different morphologies crawling, climbing, grasping, extruding through hole. Detail figures + story board.
- Propulsion issues, challenges and how we'll address them.
Materials challenges and be sure to answer questions on the whitepaper.
- Fabrication issues, challenges and how we'll address them.
- Electronics and sensing issues, challenges and how we'll address them.
Research Plan
Provide a detailed research plan that describes the methods for achieving the Phase I milestone specified in this Broad Agency Announcement. Provide several specific, quantitative milestones at intermediate stages of the program to assess progress towards meeting the Phase I milestone.
I'm taking this to be like an SOW with the initial worm-bot (6-12) month, moving toward something toward 18 months that has the ability to be branched or composed to create more interesting morphologies that can do more interesting things than worm along.
0.5 pages
Lots of new papers sent by Bob Full. Point to make is that most of them are about achieving worm-like motion and not about being very highly deformable for entry into tight spaces. Still, there are important things we can learn about efficiency of locomotion as a function of stretch, friction, etc.
Maybe move this to after schedule & milestones...
Schedule and Milestones
2 pages
Basically need a compact way to define the tasks and milestones.
Relevant Prior Work
0.5 pages
By the proposers? Else it's same as References above... Possibly can omit if included in Bio & in self citations in tech. section.
1.5 pages
Cutkosky, Goldfarb, Full -- can take from Whitepaper. Need for Potter.
Qualifications of Key Personnel
2 pages
Cutkosky, Goldfarb, Full -- can take from Whitepaper. Need for Potter.
Current and Pending Support
1.5 page
Quad Chart
see instructions on web site.
MarkCutkosky - 14 Jun 2007