
Stanford lab speakerphone: 650-723-2070, Mark's cellphone: 650-450-0589

NSF Robust Intelligence

NSF call for proposals: Due in February. Need a 1st draft by end of December. Need to get started with OSR in January. Current policy is OSR wants you to upload everything on Fastlane and THEN have them do their thing 5 business days before the due date.

  • Should decide if doing as "consortium" or prime/sub. I guess I prefer the former if we can organize it.

CyberPhysicalCharacteristics -- NSF's definition of what they are looking for

SVN repository set up: https://svn.csail.mit.edu/russt/writing/funding/2010/perching_cps/

Initial brainstorming

Proposal notes

Background information:

At right we see Tedrake funnels (from R. Tedrake "LQR-Trees: Feedback motion planning on sparse randomized trees") based on an earlier concept from Matt Mason. What I'd like to do is augment this image in two ways:

  • you plan a nominal trajectory that takes from a start location to the centroid of the desired exit state. But due to uncertainty (e.g. wind), you have a widening cone of states as you progress along the path. (This is the opposite of a funnel.) The trick is to make sure it does not widen so much that you fall outside the funnel.
  • but if you do fall outside the funnel, there is a wider encompassing funnel, which is the "bailout funnel" You can switch to safe bailout (grafeful failure). You abandon the initial plan and go to the bailout plan.

What is a Cyberphysical system? One candidate is a biological or bio-inspired robotic system as defined by Pfeifer07 and illustrated at left. This looks like the embodiment of cyber+physical intelligence. The ideas are similar to the concept of "preflexes" as found in the biology literature (R.J. Full and others).

-- MarkCutkosky - Started 15 Oct 2009

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