The "water cushion" does not allow for high axial compliance. Spines embedded in soft resin have higher deflection than axial compliance. The cushion membrane cannot be thin and support the long (for moment) pins at the same time.
Some demonstrators for axial compliance.
Individual std. pins lubricated with Vaseline in copper tube with tension or compression (displayed configuration) spring. Can be put in casts for embedding in feet.
Lower scale. 100 and 200 um pins in elastic medium (10A urethane) in a thermally shrinked tube.
Axial compliance is achieved by the elastic medium. The pin protrusion should be selected to minimize deflection. The tube diameter (and the filler elastic module) determines the lateral compliance. Rigid outside to support shear force.
Fabrication by SDM: pins can be aligned at the selected angle with a parallel magnetic field (two large parallel magnets) or put in metal tubes and filled with liquid resin.
More axial compliance demonstrators in NewFootDesignsJune04.