Ultrasonic motors appear as a very interesting technology for a wearable skin stretch device. Some of the advantages that they present are:
We were a little bit worried about vibrations, but after the first test we check that the operation of this kind of actuators is very smooth. In fact the driving frequency is around 50kHz. Maybe the main problem that they present is their durability and robustness.
Some general information about this technology can be found in SurveyOperatingPrinciples_UltrasonicPiezomotors.pdf: Various operating principles of Ultrasonic Piezomotors
The ultrasonic motor that we are testing is a USR30 E3a from http://www.shinsei-motor.com/
It’s main technical specifications are:
In order to design a wearable system we need very compact subsystem. Here we have some of very compact rotary sensors that we are considering to add to the final device.
We just assembly a first prototype with an ultrasonic motor, an encoder and a compact cable transmission in order to obtain more output torque and to have a “desktop” system based in this technology.
Here are some pictures of the prototype001: