


LOHET = plus/minus 5V to measure torque.

The HET variable is related to the mini actuator.

*q = joint position information (the red barrel encoder). *dq = joint velocities

baseMotorControl This Appears to be what you call to physically move the motors.

// end-effector cartesian coordinates xLeft = new PrVector? (3); //cartesian for the left arm end effector position

xRight = new PrVector? (3); //cartesian for the right arm end effector position

dxLeft = new PrVector? (3); //cartesian for the left arm end effector velocity

dxRight = new PrVector? (3); //cartesian for the right arm end effector velocity

xRightDes = new PrVector? (3); //cartesian for the right arm end effector desired position

dxRightDes = new PrVector? (3); //cartesian for the right arm end effector velocity

xRightGoal = new PrVector? (3); //Not entirely sure what xRightGoal does at the moment. If you figure that out please let me know.

-- KuanLi? - 12 Apr 2008

max547Driver = deals with the needed extra 13 bit resolution digital to analog converter on the special made STG card.

RawDAC? (0,0) = takes the second element in the function and assigns it to the DAC port # that is defined in the first element of the function. -- SamsonPhan - 05 May 2008

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