Bone Structure Design
The Team:
Current Work:
Geometric design
- What shape or overall layout?
- Skin, Actuators, Bone, Control Valves
Achieve desired strength and stiffness with minimal inertia
- Investigate carbon fiber tubes and shapes
- Optimize shape, considering reinforcing arms with a mesh?
- Consider process plan for variety of materials and methods
-- BrianHachtmann? - 30 Jan 2008
Meeting with Dongjun (Jan 30, 2008)
Discussed potential sub-topics to focus on
- Adapter to compensate for slight differences in McKibben actuator lengths (Laurel will be focusing on this)
- Improving/lightening gears in elbow joint (Dan will be focusing on this)
- Sensors for measuring arm forces or joint torques, where and how (John will be focusing on this)
- Smart means of fabricating arm structure (built-in air tubes? Use mass manufactured carbon fiber cylinder?)
- Connections at joints for pneumatic system
-- LaurelFullerton - 31 Jan 2008
Bill of Materials for current version of the arm (07 Jul 2008)
- BOM_ver300.xls: Bill of materials for the arm (mechanical, valves, electrical, etc) as of July 7, 2008
--Main.BarrettHeyneman - 07 Jul 2008