Planning for the 2012 Summer Kickoff
make a generic page for 20xx: SummerKickoff
- Date: Thursday 14 June
- Time: Meet at lab at 08:30. Plan to return to campus by approximately 16:00
- Location: Somewhere on the SF peninsula.
- Attendees: See the Doodle poll
Update 13 June:
- Link to the Google doc with who is bringing what.
- Let's nominally plan for beach (Pomponio or Pescadero is fine by me). If it's foggy, the closest sheltered retreat is Butano State Park, which is just a few miles inland from Route 1.
If the weather is nice, we could go to the beach. If foggy on the coast, we could go to a nearby redwood park (e.g. Portola Redwoods if it hasn't be closed yet). Sam MacDonald and San Mateo County Park as mentioned on the older retreats page are other options.
To get in the mood have a look at some previous summer kickoff materials:
- Retreat photos and planning whiteboards from 2011 kickoff at Pomponio Beach
- Planning pages from the old wiki (TWiki) (more photos too)
Things to get at Costco
- BIG package of Burgers (20ish)
- hot dogs
- Sausage
- Chicken legs / breast
- Condiments
- bbq sauce
- ketchup
- mustard
- mayo
- pickles
- onion
- tomato
- lettuce
- Sides
- Fruit (plate, perhaps with berries?)
- veggie plate(with dressing)
- grillable vegetables
- zucchini
- sweet potatoes
- more onion
- cookies
- Chips
- bbq
- nacho / jalapeno / cheetos
- tortilla(get the 5lb bag)
- Salsa(Big)
- Drinks
- flat of sodas / juice or both
- flat of water(unless we have one in the conference room)
- charcoal / lighter fluid / lighter
- Markers(10-20ish)
- Post-it pads (4/5)
Page last modified on June 25, 2014, at 10:32 AM