ME310 paper robots, Jan 2012
AY 2024-25
- Stanford Robotics Seminar is every Friday at 15:00 in Packard 101, followed by the Robotics Happy Hour, downstairs in the new Stanford Robotics Center. For 2024-25 the organizing faculty are Shuran Song, Marco Pavone and Mark Cutkosky.
- ME310abc is Mark's main teaching activity. For 2024-25 we return to PmWiki (like this website) for the ME310 course intranet; the external public site remains at me310.stanford.edu.
AY 2023-24
- Stanford Robotics Seminar is every Friday at 12:30
- ME310abc is Mark's main teaching activity
AY 2022-23:
- ME310 Global Engineering Design Thinking, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
- Robotics Seminar
- Mark advising and mentoring
Teaching Resources
- Prof. Allison Okamura's PhD completion checklist (which pretty much applies to BDML as well)
- ArduinoYobot a project involving Arduino's in preparation for an ME310 tutorial that made it into ME1 as a thermal heat transfer example.
- Wockets -- Pulling together some old notes, computations, links and fabrication tips for water rockets.
- Microfabrication for Bioinspired Adhesive Surfaces -- Short course taught at Civil and Industrial Engineering Dept, University of Pisa in winter 2022.
- Bioinspired Design Thinking - (Winter 2022) Short course over 3 weeks at SSSA Pontedera that provides a compressed similarly to PisaShortCourse2013
- Topics in Multi-limbed Manipulation - Fall/Winter 2021/2022 at The BioRobotics Institute of Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies
- ME102 We are running a special, 100% online version of ME102 in spring 2020; V2 in fall 2020 with some new ideas
- ME319 after a hiatus of almost 20 years ME319 (Dexterous Manipulation) is back with a new title, new reading list and new software.
- ME268, lead by Dr. Li Jiang, will present a series of speakers focusing on the intersection of AI, Robotics and Education
- StanfordRoboticsSeminar -- this is a good opportunity for students to find out what all the various labs are doing.
- For Fall 2014, it's being coordinated by AimyWissa from BDML and other members from the participating laboratories.
- ME112WebResources -- materials and links for ME112
- ME112 Mechanical Systems Design.
- PisaShortCourse2013 - Short design course at SSSA Polo Valdera March-April 2013
- ME 310 (Tools for Team-Based Design) - graduate design course with corporate partners
- ME21: Renaissance Machine Design - Engineer and build machines from the Renaissance and learn about the artist/engineers who originally designed them. After a haitus of several years it's back for Spring 2018 as a WAY-CE elective.
- Previous me21n site from2008-09 when it was a freshmen seminar
- Really old site from 2005 -- Some of these links are broken but you can Google search to get the URL if you know what you want.
- me21n sitemap for 2005 -- lots of material
- Notes for future incarnations -- compiling links & notes
- ME393 Seminar, Bio-inspired and Human-Interactive Robotics
- BDMLOutreach -- We regularly host lab tours and other activities related to K-12.
Page last modified on September 24, 2024, at 12:29 PM