(links added as course progresses)
Topics in Multi-limbed Manipulation
Instructor: Mark Cutkosky
The 2021 edition of Multi-limbed Manipulation will be held at The BioRobotics Institute of the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies.
Dates: 9 weeks starting Wed. 13 October but then switching to Tuesdays for the remaining weeks. There will be one main lecture 11:00-13:00 each week plus group meetings each week by appointment with instructor.
- Location: BioRobotics Institute, Aula 3
- There is an online option for those who cannot attend in person: Zoom details
- We are also having small group meetings with people who are preparing topics for each week. These are usually Fridays and Mondays at 14:00 in Aula 2 and using the same Zoom link as above for those who cannot attend in person.
- Prospective students and auditors are encouraged to fill out the TMM Google form
- Current list of signups (who/what) for topics each week
- For latest messages and help with assignments please join the Slack TMM Workspace
- Slack channels #week2 etc. also have links to recorded Zoom sessions
List of readings
Folders with materials for each week:
Parent Folder in Google drive with all sub-folders
Page last modified on December 14, 2021, at 07:23 AM