SURI student for summer 2022
Hello! I'm Heather Nolte, and I'm a rising sophomore planning on studying Mechanical Engineering.
This summer I'm working in the Cardiac Corner with fellow SURI student Olivia on creating a beating heart simulator to test wireless ionic strain sensors. I am being mentored by PhD students Ali and Ileana.
You can find more about my work here: Main.HeatherNolteSummerBlog
Feel free to email me at: hanolte [sticky] stanford [bot] edu
Goals for summer 2022:
- Learn about different research projects at BDML
- Gain experience with soldering, Arduino, and hands-on prototyping
- Practice CAD skills
Background courses and skills:
- CS106A (Python)
- ME1 (Matlab, Fusion 360)
Page last modified on August 22, 2022, at 04:11 PM