SURI for summer 2022
Hi! I'm Olivia Schroeder, and I'm a rising senior studying Mechanical Engineering.
You can find out more about my work here: Main.OliviaSummer2022Blog
Feel free to email me at: olivia00 [sticky] stanford [bot] edu
Goals for summer 2022:
- Gain research experience
- Further exposure to engineering applications
- Learn about integration across engineering disciplines
Background and skills:
- CAD (SolidWorks, CATIA, Fusion360)
- 3D printing
- FEA (SolidWorks, Fusion360)
- Machining (manual lathe and mill)
- Python (CS106A)
Working on:
This summer I will be working on the design, fabrication, and testing of a benchtop left-ventricular simulator for cardiac sensor testing with Ali and Ileana.
Out of office dates:
- 7/15
- 8/1
- 8/5 - 8/8 (4-day weekend)
Page last modified on August 02, 2022, at 10:01 AM