Biomimetics and Dextrous Manipulation Lab



Summer 2024 Kickoff

Nice even and beautiful weather both at Butano and the beach.

Probably doing Butano St. Park yet again. And again, if it clears up after lunch we can stop by Bean Hollow Beach and tide pools again.

  • time: Leave BDML by 09:00 sharp (so arrive a few minutes before); return late afternoon in time for the 4:30 SURF thing. Takes about an hour to get there. Cars can temporarily park in the loading dock area.
  • HojungChoi and RachelThomasson can get food? We have at least one vegetarian.
  • See list of supplies below below for food ideas
    • Special food requests?
    • Don't forget the chimneys and stuff in the little conference room
  • Cars:
    • Mark (can take 3)
    • Rachel (can take 3)
    • Hojung (can take 3)
    • Hao (can take 2)
    • Annie (can take 2)

Needs ride: EmJ,Abi, Xitlali, Saad, Grace, Xinyi, Jazmin, Teo

Summer 2022 Kickoff

Probably doing Butano St. Park yet again. And again, if it clears up after lunch we can stop by Bean Hollow Beach and tide pools again.

Needs ride: EmJ,

After a couple years due to COVID, we have a full contingent of summer students and it's time to plan a summer kickoff again.

Summer 2021

Has its own page: BDMLRetreat2021

Summer 2018 Kickoff

Click to enlarge

Wed June 27 We went to Portola Redwoods Park, did a cookout, hiked the Pomponio Trail and scribbled some summer ambitions with terrible markers: 2018 Summer Kickoff Whiteboards & Photos

Update 26 June: Looks like it will be foggy. So thinking Portola Redwoods Park -- drive up Page Mill Road and down the other side.

  • Rendezvous at 9:00sharp at BDML with provisions (see whiteboard image) as agreed. En route by 09:30.
  • Likely little or no cell phone coverage in the park so we will leave msg. at Visitors Center with picnic site info. for any latecomers
  • Please see whiteboard at right for what you promised to bring...

Where: Wilder Ranch if grill available. Else Ano Nuevo. Backup plan = Butano if foggy. Looks like ~16 people. Who has transportation:

  • Mark - can take +3
  • Jiro - can take +4
  • Frances - can take +4
  • Marcela - can take 3-4
  • Wilson - truck for stuff + 1

Food & supplies - see whiteboard image. Make sure we have cups & stuff too...

!!Summer 2017 Kickoff


Thinking of Butano State Park - close to beach in case weather is good, but sheltered if it's cold and foggy. Allows dogs in 'developed areas' on leash.

Note - we have bunch of tools, napkins, plates, charcoal etc. around lab and conference room. Should take inventory.

Ideas from Capella --

Food time shopping list:

  • Plates
  • Napkins
  • Utensils
  • Water
  • Hamburgers
    • Can we get ground lamb somewhere? Should be possible...
  • Vegan (burgers? Not sure what these are called Will is vegan. Anyone else veggie/vegan? Yep, Arul; I'll be home for the weekend, should be able to make it to the retreat.)
  • Hot dogs (for those who don't eat hamburgers)
  • Buns (please please NO sesame seeds )
  • Hot dog buns (please no sesame seeds either unless we keep them super quarantine which didn't work out last trip so just skip 😬)
  • Gluten free buns (how many gluten free people do we have? I know of one)
  • Cheese (like that big pack of Tillamook from Costco)
  • Tomatoes (bring sharp knife for these)
  • Lettuce
  • Condiments (ketchup mustard etc.)
  • Aluminum Foil
  • Coals
  • Lighter
  • Fruit! (Like strawberries 🍓 or 🍇 i feel our group likes these!)
  • Oreos
    • (dessert? No nuts as we have allergies in the lab)
    • Chips ?
  • Cooler to keep food in

Games?? Frisbee we brought some games last year but the space wasn't really fit for them. Maybe this year?

Ok those are my thoughts/ shopping list. If people have suggestions or need help shopping let me know, if I think of anything else I'll add it. I know Wilson was going to do a Costco run! Just trying to make list easy! Thank you Capella

Summer 2016 Kickoff

Went to Portola Redwoods. Ate food, made plans...


took a hike and pictures [by MichaelLin and MicheleLanzetta's family].

Planning for the 2014 Summer Kickoff

  • Date: Friday 27 June
  • Time: Meet at lab at 08:45. Plan to return to campus by approximately 16:30
  • Location: Somewhere on the SF peninsula ==> Sam McDonald Park
  • Attendees: (are you coming & can you drive people?)
    • Matt (can drive & actively recruiting passengers for the Cool Car)
    • Natalie (Cool Car passenger 1)
    • Arul (Cool Car passenger 2)
    • Mark - I can probably take an (Uncool) car = 3 people + self + supplies
    • Julien (Can't drive)
    • Eric (can drive 4 people)
    • Mark Cuson


  • We could try for beach, with a cloud/fog backup plan. In previous years we did (Pomponio or Pescadero). If it's foggy, the closest sheltered retreat is Butano State Park, which is just a few miles inland from Route 1.

Other options: Portola Redwoods if it hasn't be closed yet). Sam MacDonald and San Mateo County Park as mentioned on the older retreats page are other options.

To get in the mood have a look at some previous summer kickoff materials:


Markers(10-20ish) - MRC: I found about 8 markers and a large pad of paper that we can use. I will try to remember to bring in a roll of blue masking tape to go with the papers. I guess we might still need a few more markers. Maybe some thumbtacks?

Things to get at Costco or...

Food stuff

  • BIG package of Burgers (20ish)
  • Veggie burgers (not as many)
  • Buns
  • Sausage
  • Chicken legs / breast
  • Condiments
    • bbq sauce
    • ketchup --DONT BUY WE HAVE A BUNCH
    • cheddar cheese
    • mustard
    • mayo
    • pickles
    • onion
    • tomato
    • lettuce
  • Sides
    • Fruit (plate, perhaps with berries? but definitely watermelon)
    • veggie plate(with dressing)
    • grillable vegetables
      • zucchini
      • sweet potatoes
      • more onion
      • corn (a must have)
  • cookies
  • Chips
    • bbq
    • nacho / jalapeno / cheetos
    • tortilla(get the 5lb bag)
  • Salsa(Big)
  • Drinks
    • flat of sodas / juice or both
    • flat of water(unless we have one in the conference room)
  • charcoal / lighter fluid / lighter
  • Utensils (but no napkins no plates no cups)
  • Ice


  • Kubb (ref: Natalie
  • Cornhole
  • Cards - Mark Cuson
  • Croquet
  • Soccer ball (if beach/grassy park) - Bobby
  • Spike Ball - Bobby
  • Frisbee - Mark Cuson
Page last modified on June 28, 2024, at 01:31 PM