Video of Spinybot for ICRA 2006 Video proceedings

05Jan06: Video and poster accepted with a few suggestions. Can reformat video for 60MB 640x480 MPEG2.
It is looking like we may not have a "paper" ready in time for ICRA 2006 . But we never submitted the Spinybot video anywhere... so perhaps we could adapt it?
Idea: How about submitting a video of Spinybot (and RiSE platform?) climbing cool surfaces with microspines? Need to submit by Sept. 15:
- Short (like 20 MB) video
- Extended abstract (length?)
- Poster (up to 3 pages -- so I guess the extended abstract is maybe 0.5 pages).
See attached Word document (below) for some additional notes.
MarkCutkosky - 12 Aug 2005