RiSE Simulation Debugging

A page to track the issues (and maybe some solutions...) I'm having getting a full RiSE simulation up and running.

  1. Can't "Connect" from GUI - default RiSE Sim start-up - using simplerise.ocdl
    • In RH9, once the operator and supervisor are running, hitting the Connect button on the GUI opens up the RiSE Health Monitor and Mode Panel. Hitting a mode's button on the Robot GUI brings up that mode in the Mode Panel. Calibrate works fine. Other gaits generally don't - sometimes crashing the sim.
    • In FC3, hitting the Connect button yields: Cannot connect to field modesupervisor::currentCommands, connection timed out and Connection FAILED -- could not access BlackBoard (0 1 1)
  2. For some reason, when Sal gets a simulation up and running and switches to the CustomGaitX mode (or CutomGaitT mode), he has lots of gaits to choose from. I have none. One reason is that he hasn't updated his RoboDevel in quite a bit...

-- JonathanKarpick - 13 Sep 2005

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