Title: | VRAM Aerodynamic Attraction |
Method: | Air Fan Attraction |
Sponsor: | DARPA |
PI: | Bryce Wiedeman |
Organization: | Avoinic Instruments |
Website: | http://www.avionicinstruments.com |
"DARPA goals are twofold. First, to have AI² pursue research related to the VRAM attraction topology as related to the field of robotics specific to DARPA mission goals. Secondly, to gain further knowledge or verification of VRAM potentials and limitations which will allow AI² to direct research effort towards the possible commercialization of VRAM technology. Our initial mission guidelines, subject to further refinement, are to fully investigate the VRAM technology, its strengths, weaknesses, and a means of optimization. AI² will utilize this knowledge in conjunction with previous VRAM experience to provide a VRAM platform capable of making a ground approach to a building from 500 feet, transitioning to a vertical, scale two stories while steering to a designated window area, and provide visual surveillance. "
(Taken From DARPA SITE : https://www.darpa.mil/mto/drobotics/summaries/00overviews/avionics.html)
Title: | Robot Hexapod - RHex |
Method: | Legs |
Sponsor: | DARPA |
PI: | D.Koditschek, M.Buehler, A.Rizzi, R.Full |
Organization: | University of Michigan, McGill University, Carnegie Mellon University, Berkeley |
Website: | http://www.rhex.net |
RHex is a robotic hexapod with compliant legs and only six actuated degrees of freedom. One of the robots behaviors (or modes of operation), "stair climbing", uses an open loop controller that enables RHex, to reliably climb a wide range of regular, full-size stairs with no operator input during stair climbing. Another behavior, "hill climbing" enables RHex to climb steep accents (including: sand, various size rocks, concrete, grass). With the standard half circle leg configuration RHex can climb flat surfaces up to 35deg and a new 2DOF leg design allows it to achieve angles up to 45deg (the 2DOF legs change shape to lower vehicle CG and stabilize low speed locomotion).
Title: | Modular Serpentine Robot Locomotion |
Method: | Body Forces |
Sponsor: | Unkown |
PI: | Unkown (Robot Design by: Mark Yim) |
Organization: | Sensor Based Planning Laboratory, Carnegie Mellon University |
Website: | http://voronoi.sbp.ri.cmu.edu/serpentine/serpentine_local.html |
"This work considers two issues: serpentine robot locomotion and modularity. Biological snakes move by different cyclic forms of locomotion, termed gaits. Adapting these gaits for our mechanical snakes, our goal is to enable serpentine robots to maneuver through three-dimensional terrains. Since the specific snake robot we are studying is modular, we also have an opportunity to examine the benefits and drawbacks of such a design. It is our goal to establish a conversation that measures the tradeoffs between modular and non-modular designs, citing examples and situations to weigh the options."
(Taken From CMU SITE : http://voronoi.sbp.ri.cmu.edu/projects/modsnake/modsnake.html)
Title: | LEMUR II |
Method: | Gripper |
Sponsor: | NASA-JPL |
PI: | Unkown |
Organization: | Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Website: | http://prl.jpl.nasa.gov |
"LEMUR is a small, agile and capable six-legged walking robot that has been built at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory to perform dexterous small-scale assembly, inspection and maintenance of macro space facilities. It is intended to expand the operational envelope of robots in its size class (sub-5kg) through the flexible use of its limbs and effectors, as well as through the modular changeout of those effectors. In short, LEMUR is intended as a robotic instantiation of a six-limbed primate with Swiss Army knife tendencies."
Of particulat intrest might be the information about LEMUR Legs, additionaly see the Leg Actuation Movie.
(Taken From CMU SITE : http://prl.jpl.nasa.gov/projects/lemur1/lemur_index.html)
Title: | Flipper & Crawler |
Method: | Suction |
Sponsor: | Uknown |
PI: | Unkown |
Organization: | Michigain State University College of Engineering, Robotics and Automation lab |
Website: | http://www.egr.msu.edu/ralab/ |
"The goal of this project is to construct a digital controller for a w all climbing micro-robot. There are two kind of wall-climbing micro-robots in the lab. One is called "Flipper",left, the other is called "Crawler",right. The restrictions such as small size, light weight and low power consumption must be complied when designing the miniature robot. The DSP chip TMS320LF2407? from Texas Instrument is selected as the controller for robot because of its high speed performance, its support for multi-motor control and the low power consumption. The components of the robot such as three DC servo motors, two suction pump motors, two micro valves, pressure sensors, touch sensors and limit switches are controlled by single chip LF2407 DSP."
(Taken From RALAB SITE : http://www.egr.msu.edu/ralab/proj05.htm )
Title: | Modular Research Demonstrator |
Method: | Suction |
Sponsor: | Uknown |
PI: | Unkown |
Organization: | Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung (IPA), Germany |
Website: | http://www.ipa.fhg.de/Aktuelles/ |
"At Fraunhofer IPA a modular construction system for climbing robots has been developed. This modular approach addresses the key functions a climbing robot has to solve. In this context intelligent suction modules, intelligent foot modules, and a lightweight sliding frame module, based on composite carbon fiber tubes, have been designed. The research demonstrator “Animated Ad”, a modular climbing robot for advertising purposes, is currently being evaluated in field tests."
(Taken From: http://voronoi.sbp.ri.cmu.edu/~fsr/FINAL_PAPERS/31_Schmierer.pdf [ENGLISH])
I had a tough time finding more because the home site is in German!
Robot | Type | Link |
SLOTH | Rope Climber | http://www.seattlerobotics.org/encoder/200210/prj5/sloth.htm |
SURFY | Suction | http://www.scg.dees.unict.it/giovanni/SURFY.HTM |
MRWALLSPECT | Suction | http://mecha.skku.ac.kr/research/wall.htm |
ROMA | Gripper | http://www.uwe.ac.uk/clawar/newsletters/issue2/ROMA.html |
Mitsubishi Pain | Magnets | http://www.mitsubishi.or.jp/e/monitor/monitor_old/97version/monitor6/robot.html |
BIGGALO | Suction | http://www.engr.uvic.ca/~pmauro/ |
NINJA-I, -II | Suction | http://mozu.mes.titech.ac.jp/research/walk/NINJA/NINJA.html |
WALLY | Suction | http://www.scg.dees.unict.it/giovanni/WALLY.HTM |
Unknown | Rope Climber | http://www.cunderwood.freeserve.co.uk/lego/toomuchrope/index.html |
Cliff Hanger | Hooked Foot | http://www.cliffhanger.mainpage.net/ |
Unknown | Suction | http://www.eeie.sbu.ac.uk/research/ndt/research.html |
Dante II | Anchor Line and Legs | http://www.ri.cmu.edu/projects/project_163.html |