JonathanKarpick - 01 Jun 2004
minor additions 01 Jun MarkCutkosky
Go to bottom of this page for the zipped archive of matlab files. See TrajectoryAnalysis for general explanation of coordinates and a powerpoint presentation.
TrajectoryAnalysis, as deciphered by Jonathan K.:
File description:
trajectory.m - Matlab File that runs the trajectory analysis
riseconfig.m - specifies the geometry of the leg, and saves it to the riseconfig.mat
fourier_fit.m - fits curves to desired
- Runs riseconfig.m
- sets physical constants for linkage (see diagram)
- sets constants for radii of the gears in the differential
- sets number of time steps used for a full period of the leg trajectory
- set the time for one cycle of the foot
- specify vs. and vs. by using two arrays evenly spaced in time - they will be normalized so that a cycle is completed in the time given (from above)
- Runs fourier_fit.m
- generates fourier coefficients for vs.
- generates fourier coefficients for vs.
- Computes x and y positions of the foot, in the four-bar plane, for one revolution of , in num_steps
- Generates a table of (crank angle) to (trajectory angle) for later reverse table look-up (does equal steps between 0 and 360 degrees based on num_steps in riseconfig.m
- Estimates as the distance around the arc by using straight line distances between the points.
- is then normalized and scaled (by n??)
- Generates equations for and based on the fourier fits.
- Generates a , matrix based on the above equations, for equal steps in
- Generates a , matrix based on the above equations, for equal steps in
- Plots vs. and vs.
- Calculates a time vector using desired vs and then scales it to match desired period. Maybe a little more info on this? - jk, 02jun04
- vs time is determined by linearly interpolating the vs. table now that vs. time is known
- Ditto with vs. time
- Calcluates vs. time and vs time (the motor angles given the differential)
- (Still working on how to label 3-D trajectory with the values of )
- Plots the 3-D trajectory
Matlab files contained in attached Zip file: