Four areas of work were identified for the next version of the Human Safe Arm.
Area Issues June Goal
Control valving control,characterization Better pneumatic characterization
Skin Skin Materials, sensor type, resolution, connectivity to arm Cast first generation skin with some kind of sensor 1 cm apart, preliminary testing
Structure, Bus, Power & signal How to route power & signal though joints, How to integrate compactly & robustly into arm 1rst gen prototype with integrated wiring/ bus using epoxysoft polymer, etc
Wrist (& End Effector) Stiff & precise or sensate & compliant,How many indpt DOF,What max/min size?,What max grasp Force? Find/build/retrofit a good first solution for initial requirements

Laurel will look into the amount of data that will transmitted from the skin Seokchang will work on control of the valves with Dongjun Kuan will continue working on DM2 in anticipation of the May demonstration John will work on manifold design

In response to GM's request to use Linux + Xenomai, there is hesitancy to switch from QNX because of the history, experience, and the wealth of legacy code available. If there is a large need to use Linux + Xenomai, then a conversion can be done at the very end.

-- SamsonPhan - 07 Apr 2008

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