Statistics for Brunelleschi Web

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Jan 2006 4910 0 0 194 WebStatistics
 80 PersonalNotebookPagesME122F
 74 CurrentProposals
 70 ScheduleME122F
 68 CourseMaterialsME21N
 56 JennLaddNotebook
 53 WebPreferences
 53 MasonryStability
 51 KatyCNotebook
 51 JustineNotebook
 48 PreliminaryDesignMaterials
Dec 2005 6762 3 0 333 WebStatistics
137 PersonalNotebookPagesME122F
129 CurrentProposals
119 MiniPresentationTopics
105 WebPreferences
 99 WebHome
 97 ScheduleME122F
 97 MasonryStability
 97 CourseMaterialsME21N
 92 PreliminaryDesignMaterials
 86 SyllabusME122F
  3 MarkCutkosky
Nov 2005 1617 12 0  42 ScheduleME21N
 42 CurrentProposals
 35 ScheduleME122F
 29 WebHome
 26 SyllabusME122F
 23 PaoloGalluzziMaterials
 23 MasonryStability
 23 AlicesNotebook
 21 CourseMaterialsME21N
 20 WebSearch
 19 DylanTiffanyAndrewKyleKatyC
 12 MarkCutkosky
Sep 2005 5043 0 0  86 SyllabusME122F
 32 WebIndex
 30 ScheduleME122F
 28 KatyMcCownNotebook
 27 SieneseArtistEngineers
 27 MiniPresentationTopics
 23 CurrentProposals
 22 PreliminaryDesignMaterials
 20 RRBLeanTowerAssignment
 20 GalileoTopics
 20 ArchDomeConstruction
Aug 2005 8816 8 2 330 WebStatistics
179 SyllabusME122F
178 ScheduleME21N
162 WebHome
153 CutkoskyNotebook
151 ScheduleME122F
127 KatyMcCownNotebook
110 WebPreferences
110 MiniPresentationTopics
 99 PersonalNotebookPagesME21N
 98 CurrentProposals
 10 MarkCutkosky
Jul 2005 6827 1 1 166 MiniPresentationTopics
161 WebHome
139 JennLaddNotebook
124 MachineScalingAssignment
123 SyllabusME122F
116 ScheduleME21N
110 MasonryStability
 99 WebPreferences
 98 ScheduleME122F
 96 KatyMcCownNotebook
 94 CutkoskyNotebook
  2 JackConte?
Jun 2005 5158 72 29 156 SyllabusME122F
 91 ScheduleME21N
 86 WebHome
 86 MiniPresentationTopics
 84 MachineScalingAssignment
 83 CutkoskyNotebook
 74 CurrentProposals
 74 BronzeCasting
 73 MasonryStability
 68 JennLaddNotebook
 68 ArchDomeConstruction
 82 MarkCutkosky
 16 EutimiaMontoya?
  2 AliceWarnecke?
  1 MeghanKennedy?
May 2005 6269 124 22 149 SyllabusME122F
147 ScheduleME122F
126 CurrentProposals
107 MiniPresentationTopics
103 WebHome
 93 WebChanges
 84 CutkoskyNotebook
 81 ThreeSpeedReversingOxDrivenHoist
 81 ScheduleME21N
 75 JennLaddNotebook
 73 ArchDomeConstruction
128 MarkCutkosky
  9 AliceWarnecke?
  5 MameiSun?
  3 RobertTrevino?
  1 MeghanKennedy?
Apr 2005 5636 370 84 342 SyllabusME122F
208 PersonalNotebookPagesME122F
191 ScheduleME122F
146 CurrentProposals
123 AssignmentsME122F
120 WebHome
 94 FirstNotebookItem
 81 MiniPresentationTopics
 78 MachineScalingAssignment
 75 WebChanges
 73 WebPreferences
213 MarkCutkosky
 40 JaymievieveAng?
 37 RaynaWiles?
 31 RobertTrevino?
 24 AliceWarnecke?
 19 MameiSun?
 17 MackenzieCooper?
 14 MorganThrower?
 10 RoelCordero?
 10 MeghanKennedy?
 10 EutimiaMontoya?
Mar 2005 3648 163 35 202 CurrentProposals
196 CourseMaterialsME21N
152 TrebuchetWithWinch
105 PersonalNotebookPagesME21N
 94 AssignmentsME21N
 92 ScheduleME21N
 85 WebChanges
 85 JustineNotebook
 76 WebHome
 76 JennLaddNotebook
 69 MiniPresentationTopics
 71 MarkCutkosky
 45 JennLadd?
 29 RudyRubio?
 12 JustineSeidenfeld?
 10 RenFungYu?
  9 KatyCrow?
  5 TiffanyLiu?
  4 EmilyAune?
  4 AdamMonroe?
  2 ElizabethRiley?
  2 AndrewWong?
Feb 2005 3121 393 93 388 CourseMaterialsME21N
281 CurrentProposals
175 MachineScalingAssignment
151 WebChanges
148 PersonalNotebookPagesME21N
133 AssignmentsME21N
122 ScheduleME21N
110 GrpFourBeamBreakReport
 75 WebHome
 75 BetsyBrooksiePingRen
 69 DylanTiffanyAndrewKyleKatyC
201 MarkCutkosky
109 JustineSeidenfeld?
 37 RenFungYu?
 35 AndrewWong?
 16 KyleWhite?
 14 CarlosSeligo?
 10 JennLadd?
  8 KatyCrow?
  8 AdamMonroe?
  7 ObinnaEmenike?
  7 ElizabethRiley?
Jan 2005 11405 987 132 1345 CourseMaterialsME21N
860 CurrentProposals
859 PersonalNotebookPagesME21N
526 AssignmentsME21N
524 ScheduleME21N
444 LeaningTowerAssignmentME21N
419 WebHome
345 WebChanges
288 MiniPresentationTopics
279 CutkoskyNotebook
208 JustineNotebook
479 MarkCutkosky
113 KatyCrow?
 58 TiffanyLiu?
 57 JustineSeidenfeld?
 53 RenFungYu?
 44 HamiltonUlmer?
 44 AdamMonroe?
 28 NewMember?
 28 KyleWhite?
 26 RudyRubio?
 25 JennLadd?


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