Assignments for ME122F? Art of Engineering & Engineering of Art
Descriptions of the assignments in the course. (Also see
ScheduleME122F for assigned readings and discussion topics and
AssignmentFormatInstructions for general instructions on how to prepare assignments.)
- Register (Part I) and start your notebook (Part II) (for thurs April 7).
- Short Assignments
- MachineDesignTopics (under revision). Please see MachineDesignProject from ME21N? for general information about what I hope to accomplish. We will have to adapt to the constraints of being in Florence instead of the main Stanford Campus.
- Likely first assignment = scavenger hunt for essential ingredients (pre-cut pieces of lengo, ed viti, ed altri cose dalla ferramenta). Actually, going into a traditional ferramenta and asking for stuff can be an interesting cultural experience...
- Design, fabrication, testing
- Documentation of the machine, what it is, how it works, etc.
- FinalReport122F
MarkCutkosky - 28 Mar 2005
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