Outline for First Class (5 April 2005)
Course introduction, goals, policies
- Introduce Cutkosky (slides), background and motivation for this course
- ALCOA CMU Stanford Design Division PISA (02) Florence (05)
- In Tuscany: Famous frescos, sculptures, bronze castings, architecture -- often by the same people. And machines and workshops to create such masterpieces by the same people too: Brunelleschi, Ghiberti, da Vinci, ... etc.
- Introduce students. Take Photos? Start TWiki registration process
- TWiki Introduction and registration requirements
- Introduce course book and reader.
- Get people used to taking notes (in TWiki) for the readings
- Preview of coming attractions
Intro. to stability
- Structures made from blocks.
- Corbelled arches from pre-antiquity
- An article: paper on Dominos (Sangwin2004).
- Q: How far can a corbelled arch span? What is the limit? Why?
- write other questions on board & be sure we answer them
BibliographyME122F for details on readings):
- For Thurs April 7: get registered in TWiki
- For April 7: read p 171-197 of (Gordon2003) in course reader.
- For April 12,14 FirstNotebookItem
- For April 12: read p 36-37, 46-59 of (Gordon2003) (in course reader); read p 225-242 of (Salvadori2002) in course reader.
- For April 14: read Cha 1-6 of Brunelleschi's Dome (King2000).
MarkCutkosky - 04 Apr 2005
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