Machine Design Topics
Now that we are divided into 4 groups (see
MachineDesignQuestions) the main assignment here is to make
sure the various pieces of the machine all come together so that we can construct it, admire it, and think about it.
Thurs May 12
- Remember: Vinci field trip: Set for afternoon of 13 May (Friday), after the Camilla Banes walking tour in the morning. We will rent a bus, spend a couple hours there, and return in late afternoon. Buss leaves from Piazza Demidoff, a little ways upriver from the school. The Museo Leonardiano has a terrific collection of models and displays. Vinci is a nice, small, Tuscan hill town with good views over the valley.
- Thinking about final report & briefing (very short) topics
- Machine design concepts: functional input/output, power, work
- Review results of Part I of MachineDesignQuestions - are we ready to transmit gear data to Stanford campus?
Gears (modern versus Renaissance) and other power transmission issues
Q: what was understood by da Vinci and what was not yet understood?
- Hopefully, Group I (Main frame) has obtained a base and some framing materials. We need to figure out the lengths and end details so that we can cut pieces for the frame. See PreliminaryDesignMaterials#AssemblyLayouts for some advice.
- Meanwhile, Group II (1st stage gears) is working out the gear and tooth dimensions. Last I knew, they were thinking in terms of approx. 8cm for the 2 horizontal gears and 12 for the vertical one. These would be pitch diameters. See PreliminaryDesignMaterials#DesigningGears for advice.
- And Group IV (2nd stage gears) is working on their spur gear and lantern gear combination. It could be convenient if either of those two gears matched the dimensions of the of the ones that Group II is using...
- And Group III is working on the detailed design for the threaded reversing mechanism.
MarkCutkosky - 12 May 2005

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