Mikela Ritter

Working on stuff related to NASA, space...
Motivation and Thesis
To be determined...
Contact: mdritter [sticky] stanford [bot] edu
Conference Publications
Ritter, M. and Barnhart, D. (2017). Geometry Characterization of Electroadhesion Samples for Spacecraft Docking Application. In 2017 IEEE Aerospace Conference. (Link)
For Mikela:
some useful links to get started:
- AdhesiveSurfaceGrasping
- CreatingADaughterMoldForGeckoAdhesives
- PreparingMolds
- MicromachinedAdhesiveManufacturingProcess (note: a bit out of date in details, but pretty good on overall process.
- Useful papers:
editing tips: BasicEditing
Page last modified on September 19, 2017, at 04:02 PM