Category: FlexivArm
The following page is a brief tutorial on how to run any Triaxial array code.
Preparing Script
If you are adding a script to the TriaxialArrayFinal workspace, you must do the following:
- Add your script to the package source (~/TM_ws/src/TriaxialArrayFinal/src)
- Use the chmod +x ""
- Return to the workspace base directory (TM_ws) and run catkin_make
Running Your Script With Flexiv
Your script should now be properly prepared to run with ROS. Below is the typical order of fully running your script with the Flexiv arm:
- Open 3 (or more depending on how many scripts you will be running) tabs.
- In your first tab, run roscore
- In your second tab, navigate to the ~/TM_ws directory and run source devel/setup.bash
- Navigate to your package source directory (~/TM_ws/src/tactilearrayfinal/src). You may run this script at any time you are ready but preferably BEFORE starting the Flexiv script.
- In your third tab, navigate to the ~/ml_ws/flexiv/catkin_ws directory and run source devel/setup.bash then go to catkin_ws/src/flexiv_ros/src.
- Run conda activate flexiv. This is needed because the flexiv drivers only work with Python 3.8.
- Release the e-stop on the safety controller.
- Finally, run python hold 10.
- Now the joint brakes will click and release and the robot will be ready to be controlled.
Page last modified on August 22, 2022, at 11:09 AM